
Monday 7 April 2014

Painting class for MOM

There is a new Mom's night out activity in our area called Wine and Canvass.  I signed up to go with a new group of homeschool Mom's and we had a great evening getting to know each other and learning to paint a 16X30 white canvass.  I am no artist so I wasn't exactly sure how I would do.
This was the example of the painting we were going to complete in just 3 hours

My blank canvass and glass of wine:)

The local artist gave step by step instructions on how to set up our paintings

The artist recreating her painting 

We stopped about half way to take a slight break and this is what my canvass looked like

some of the other students canvasses.

My completed painting, done in three hours!

It was so fun to see how everyone's painting turned out.  Everyone's painting turned out great!  I had a great time out and when my mother comes to visit next month hope to take her for an evening out and create a new masterpiece.  The company is also planning to doing painting and cookie classes to include younger kids so I would like to take my daughter to one in the future.  If there is one in your area, check them out, it was a great evening out.


  1. Wow! That is a fabulous painting!
    And did you
    Sounds like there are a few people with the right idea in your town!

  2. Wine and painting, how could it go wrong? Seems like you have more interesting things to do there than we do. Our mom's night outs usually involve meeting at a coffee shop while people do their own variations of fiber arts (spinning, knitting, etc.). Your painting turned out really nicely. Did you learn any new techniques that you can apply to other paintings? I've never taken an art class where the teacher took me through how to do a particular art piece step by step. I'd like to take an art class like that, mind you, just never have (and I was an media major, which was a visual arts major, so I took more than my share of art classes).

  3. Maureen all the techniques were new to me cause I truly am an art novice but it was nice to have thing broken down and actually take home a picture that actually looked decent :). Maybe one will come near you, I recommend it
