
Wednesday 23 April 2014

Aquarium visit at the city museum

i didn't know there was a aquarium in St. Louis so when I heard of a local field trip was schedules we joined in to see where it was and what was there.  It is a very small aquarium and it held many different animals there in addition to fish.  

There is a small tank that houses miniature sharks, we saw hammerheads

Kids got to pet a stingray 

admire a ferret

This has to be the most active three toed sloth I have ever seen, it kept moving up and down the tree.

there was a section of reptiles that the kids loved

a mini slide that went underneath one of the larger fish tanks

two very funny otters

There were many sea sculptures that the kids could touch and play in that kept them excited

large tortoises 

The first live armadillo I have ever seen, usually that are road kill in this area:(

More funny and weird art sculpture, I think that was an octopus coming out the of the wall in the back 


Cutte pufferfish

There were several petting stations where staff brought out various animals for the kids to touch and learn about

Mango grove habitat

Several noisy birds were around

alligator turtle

metal sculpture that MarioFan liked

Paddle fish that Firedrake like to watch

Kids examining the suction feet of a lizard, forgot the name

sugar squirrels which seems to be the rage in this area for pets...these I believe were rescued

A type of african cat

the little fish that like to nibble on dead human skin.  Firedrake thought it was a great sensation, while I on the other hand did not like the sensation at all.

More hands on exhibits

Another place to explore and see the fish up close

touching a small lobster

MarioFan found all the hidden areas in which he could explore

and he encouraged his sister to follow suit although the disadvantage of being tall for your age does make some things a bit more challenging for her:)
We had a great day exploring, while the facility was definitely on the small side it had so many different things to look at, touch and explore:)

1 comment:

  1. Errr! I posted a really long comment and then my computer crashed! That has got to be one of the few, if not only, aquarium with a mango grove in it! Do the fish eat the calluses or just did skin that you don't really see. I know Demi Moore was into that at one point, but I never thought about the purpose of having fish eat dead skin on your feet. Did it tickle or just feel slimy. I like all the crawling places they have there. Our local museums don't have things kids can climb much.
