
Monday 10 March 2014

Book Review--Our America Series The Revolutionary war Adventure

Author Susan Kilbride has done it again...written the 4th book in the series Our America Series--The Revolutionary War Adventure.  I had the wonderful opportunity to review her books last year -- you can see that review here.  Mrs. Kilbride also has a wonderful additional web site that includes activities that align with the book series and I wrote a post on some of the activities we have done while reading the first book with my children.  You can see that post here.  Currently my children are reading book two in the series and we are working on more of the suggested projects that align with the books.

The book continues to explore the adventures of Ginny and Finn as they are transported back in time during the American Revolution.    One of the great things about these books is that the author has research her family tree and many of the people Ginny and Finn met along the way are members of the author's family and their experiences during this time period.  The author has done this in all her books.  The characters first encounter the confusing time of the Boston Tea party and then proceed to the many battles that occurred throughout the revolution until the British surrender.  I love that this book includes maps of the battles, as well as a time line and a copy of the Declaration of  Independence.

On Mrs. Kilbride website you can find 7 activities that can be done at home to enhance your studies, while reading this book, such as making food of the period, making rope or weaving.  My kids are really enjoying the many extra activities that are hands on and often what the characters of the book are experiencing during our reading time.

My youngest said after reading the 1st book "Wow Mom, this isn't like a boring history book.  I like it it is fun to read!"  The books deal with the facts of the period without bogging the children down with too many dates and other things that always seem to make history boring to children.  Most chapters are short, making for a quick and easy read.  That said it is still filled with important facts that occurred in history but delivered in a way that children relate to it through the characters of Ginny and Finn.

To celebrate the publication of The Revolutionary War Adventure, on March 11th & 12th all of Sue’s paperback books will be on sale for 25% off! Just go to the Special Orders page of her website and type in the code: HAVY4KRQ at checkout to receive the discount. Orders will be placed through CreateSpace, a division of Amazon.

Link to the special orders page where all Sue's paperbacks will be on sale March 11th & 12th:

Disclaimer:  I received the book Our America...The revolutionary War Adventure free of charge, all opinions expressed are given honestly and are based on my experiences only. 


  1. Hi Anna-Marie!

    I just ordered the Rev. War and Pilgrim Adventure books taking advantage of the sale! Thanks for the review! I look forward to reading these with my kids as we are studying this time period now (or at least attempting it). :) And for old times sake, I clicked a vote for you! ;-)

  2. I love history and have enjoy novels that interweave history through the character experiences. I would think that a hands on history lessons like these would really help the children learn in a better way. Amazing as usual, you are.

  3. Sola is still a bit young for these, but I'm definitely bookmarking them for later! That is really cool that she incorporated her own family tree into the books. I also like the extra activities pages! What age was MarioFan when you started reading these with him?
