
Monday 24 March 2014

A Russian Meal -- completing our unit study

We finished our study on the country Russia by completing a meal.  I tried to talk the family into making and trying the Borscht soup (which is beet soup) but nobody wanted to give that a try:(

So I went back to my trusty around the world cookbook and we choose 2 recipes from inside

The first thing we cooked was Russian Honey cookies

Kids wanted to use Halloween cookie cutters:)

Next we made Beef Stroganoff-- which I actually make fairly regularly.  Kids helped with the cutting and cooking

Now Firedrake has one more meal she can add to her meal prep skills:)

cookies turned out great

and were very tasty

I also bought some rye bread which we read was very popular in Russia

We have enjoyed learning about Russia and have wrapped up our unit study on this country.:)


  1. Oh my gosh, you guys are just so darn much fun. Love your rituals and studies. Sheesh. I need to do more fun stuff. This has been a tough school year....for a variety of reasons....sigh.

    I thought of you this AM when I read this blog post:
    Simply bc you're on top of science-y stuff and I thought you'd be interested in his take on the new Cosmos show. We have not seen it yet I thought my fam might get into it...streaming it. I feel bad when ppl bash Sagan bc I remember growing up in the 70s and gathering with my fam in our LR in Queens to watch his stuff. It's sort of like bashing my family time. But that's ridiculous, I know. There's only been a few episodes out so far.
    I have to say, much of what he's talking about is over my head. I just don't follow his lines of thinking. But I DO love his articles on politics bc he articulates so well ( much better than I can) my own political view points....he's extremely conservative and writes so well..

    Take care Anna Marie!
    Thanks for sharing this post.

  2. Looks like a yummy meal! I'm with your family, cooking beets stinks. Literally! When I have cooked them, it takes weeks to get the smell out of the house.

  3. This looked like a great meal. I love rye bread. I think a study of Russia would be very interesting. Years a go in our RS organization in the church we had lessons on different countries. I taught some of them. My calling was a Cultural Refinement leader. We also would do lessons on countries in our Family Home Evenings. For these lessons we would eat food from that country. It was fun.
    Blessings for bringing up a good memory!

  4. That looks like a delicious way to wrap up your Russian unit. I see Louisiana is still not highlighted on your map. I'd love for you to come visit.

  5. We make stroganoff a lot too. The cookies sound quite delicious.
