
Wednesday 26 February 2014

A New Family Pet:)

We heard from our local pet store (the owners petsit our gecko and beardie when we are out of town) that she was rescuing several new animals due to a client becoming ill and needed to quickly relocate his pets.  I saw the list of animals and immediately thought a Chinchilla would make a nice pet for our son, who although loves the reptiles, doesn't really find them all that cuddly.  I will also admit I prefer the cuddly, furry animals but since my husband is allergic we haven't been able to get a dog/cat.   We  found out the Chinchilla was already spoken for but the other animal that appealed to the kids and I was a Hedgehog!  So we drove to the store to take a peek and of course fell in love and adopted him.

Introducing Sonic the Hedgehog!

Sonic was the name given to the Hedgehog by the previous owners and the kids decided to keep it:)

He has the cutest little nose

He is still pretty shy around us and a bit nervous so we are working with him to become more comfortable with our voices and handling.  Researching information on the web,  it says it will take a week or two for him to adjust to his new home and we need to handling 2X a day for about 15 minutes so he gets use to our scent and voices.

Right now he keeps his quills up which makes him a prickly little thing when he decides to ball up.   We are told that once he is more comfortable he will relax his quills so he isn't so prickly.  

Meeting Daddy and checking him out:)  He is particularly nervous around Daddy I think the deeper voice frightens him.
Right now we are doing a lot of research online to find out the proper way to care for this little creature and it looks like it he requires a little more hands on attention and care than the reptiles.   But the kids are up to the challenge and so am I.  The pet store owner said she would also care for him when we are out of town along with our reptiles so we have that covered and that was really the deciding factor in our adopting him.  On the way home, however,  Daddy did inform the kids and I that Sonic was the last pet we were getting:)  I am as bad as the kids when I see an animal in need of a home:)

1 comment:

  1. We want to get a hedgehog and almost did this fall. We decided we weren't quite ready to add another animal to our household yet though. I studied up on them a lot. One thing I found to be very interesting is that they can swim and seem to actually like water. That would be a nice change to me, given what a fight it is to bathe cats and dogs. Anyway, Sonic is absolutely adorable and I love the name and am glad your kids let him keep it, even though Sonic might be a bit before their time. :-)
