
Friday 24 January 2014

Trip to a chocolate factory

Recently we went to a local Chocolate company in the city and got to explore how candy was made.

This company is a family run business and has been operating since 1981

My son pointed out this sign and read how chocolate is made.  

Checking out the candy store prior to the tour...and can I just say going on a chocolate tour when you are on a diet is not my most brilliant idea but I got out of there with only buying a single piece for each of us...much to my children's disappointment :)

Inside the factory were lots of signs for the Oompa Loompas of the famed Willy Wonka which my children thought was great

This is one of the cooling tables that is used to cool down caramel.  The blue hoses are running cold water beneath the tables surface.  While there we saw them making caramel 

We watched as they wheeled a large copper pan over to the table...we were told these pots are very heavy

Next they spread the caramel to get out all the bubbles 

and then it cools and it smells so good!!!

kids getting to try a sample:)

Next we watched the factory assembly line 

chocolate being poured aver the candies

and hand decorated

seeing the big mixer of chocolate

Next we went out to the store and did our best to choose only one chocolate sample to take home.  I just had to try the dark chocolate caramel...and it was so good:) and worth the points to eat:)


  1. Yum-we are reading Charlie and the Chocolate factory at present. This would be such a good trip!

  2. That looks like a fun and tasty field trip.

  3. Are you sure you weren't in Heaven. I know they must have chocolate in Heaven. This was an awesome tour. I am positive that I would not have the self-discipline to only get one piece of candy. I would have to use some more points on this one.
    Blessings, hugs and chocolate for all; at least a little bit on Valentine's Day!
