
Wednesday 20 November 2013

Wolf Howls

While we were in Colorado we stop at a wolf rescue facility.  My daughter loves wolves and while we have been to several wolf sanctuaries, this is the first time we have ever heard the wolves howl, it was pretty amazing.

The tour guide got the wolves started

and then the wolves just kept howling

It was so exciting to be able to be apart of this!  Made Firedrakes day!


  1. Nice to read something positive on the internet about wolves. Have you been following the case of that guy who trapped and then shot the wolf? He posed with the wolf before he killed it, while it was clearly in pain from the trap and there was blood everywhere. It was just sickening! He had tons of traps out too!

  2. What a fun moment with the wolves. My brother owned a resort called "Big Rock Candy Mountain and he had wolves and some other animals there as part of a small zoo. I always loved trips there. My parents worked for him and ran the resort.
    Fun and blessings to you!
