
Friday 15 November 2013

Colorado Springs -- Pike's Peak

My husband has been to the top of Pike's Peak when he has been out here for business, however this trip the family was not so lucky.  When we arrived it had snowed the night before on the summit, and there still was ice and snow on the summit road.  In addition, the wind gusts were very high so we were not allowed to venture beyond 11,000 feet.

Pike's Peak is what Coloradans call a "Fourteener", meaning that the summit is over 14,000 feet in altitude.  The view from the summit of Pike's Peak inspired the song "America the Beautiful, and the line "Purple mountain's majesty."

View of  Pike's Peak

It was snowing at the top and the winds were very high so we weren't allow to  reach the summit

There was a park ranger making sure no cars continued up to the peak

We hung around the parking lot in the hopes the summit would open but we had no luck that day

Everyone loved seeing this sign

Bigfoot's foot print

This lake is one of the reservoirs that provides the water supply for Colorado Springs.  Colorado Springs itself is in a semi-arid environment, so capturing the snowmelt in the springtime is essential for the city to have enough water.  As in most parts of the West, water is a scarce resource--my husband likes to say "Whiskey is for drinking.  Water is for fighting over."

It was a very cold and blustery day but the sun was shining a it was such a great day to be out and exploring the area.


  1. It's always amazing how the weather can be so warm at low altitudes and snowing up high when it only takes an hour or so to get from the bottom to the top.

  2. Wow, we were there this July! ( But weWERE able to get to the summit....) In fact my hubby and I went to the top in 1992 in summer as well....this last time tho, we all felt reeeeeeally sick around 10,000 miles or little felt it the worst. Almost flu like.
    Love the Big forr pics...we have THE SAME ONES!!! I know exactly the spots you were in.
    I did not blog specifi abt Pike's Peak, but I do have summer trip; pics...I thought I;d do a post on each ( or at least many) of the spots we went to, but by the time we got home and I was getting ready to set up the Hsing year, I just never did.....I;d still like to blog abt Alcatraz though and maybe the Arch/Mus of Westward Exp in St L.......
    Just not enough time.

    Take care and be well! Be careful on these trips.....I avoided something last night on a 3 Mile trip to the library with my son in the car that still has me's the other drivers...not you. so take your time and take it slow. Be careful.:)

  3. What a shame you couldn't get to the summit, it looks like you had a beautiful trip though!

  4. What a spectacular sight! Too bad you couldn't go all the way up!

  5. Sorry you couldn't make it to the top, it is a sight. You can't to the top of Mt. Evans right now either...or even close to the Maroon bells, Winter is upon us.
