
Friday 4 October 2013

14 years and counting

This week we are celebrating our 14th wedding anniversary and by doing so we are heading out on a trip to the southwest in our RV.  My husband and I don't usually exchange gifts for anniversaries, birthdays or even holidays preferring to set aside that money for our holiday travels either as a couple or as a family.  Traveling is something we both enjoy immensely and we try to take advantage of it whenever we can.  This will be our biggest trip in our "new to us" camper and we are hoping there are no more unexpected expenses with the camper and that we can enjoy one last camping trip before we have to winterize it.  We are already planning (and saving) for our trip next spring to Yellowstone National Park which the whole family is excited about.  

Here a look at how we have grown as a couple and as a family over the past 14 years.
Our first picture together while dating (1998)

Our wedding picture (1999)

nearly 3 years later our beautiful daughter was born (2002)

My husband  shaved off his beard (2003)

In 2004 we added our lovely son to our family

We have always loved traveling together  and we started when the children were  both very young (2008)
Moving to England  (2009)

Enjoying history and being together to share in each other's interests  (2012)
We both take our children's education seriously and work as  a team (2013)
We are not perfect but we are good for each other and plan on traveling together for eternity:)


  1. Awww, you are a lovely couple! Huge congratulations and Happy anniversary to you both xx

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Not sure what happened there - rather embarrassing typo!!
    Anyway, let's try again:

    Congratulations Martin and Anna-Marie. I hope you have a fabulous trip to Santa Fe. I'm looking forward to reading all about it. Love Rxx

  4. Happy Anniversary!!
    Great photo montage of your life so enjoyed it.

    Have a terrific time travelling this week!

  5. Congrats on 14 years! Have fun in the Southwest! Looking at your pictures of where you have traveled, how did you miss Spain? You went completely around it!

  6. Congratulations on your 14th Anniversary. I loved your pictures through the years. You have such a lovely family and of course you know I love following your adventures.
