
Friday 27 September 2013

Learning about Missouri

While camping we visited the city of Cape Girardeau and learned a few things about the state of Missouri just by taking a walk along the river:)  No matter where you are you can always learn something.  It was a gorgeous day and I hope these simple memories stay with my children as they grow.

On an overlook on the Missouri side of the river looking across  to the state of Illinois and watching the barges going down the river.  Some of them were huge and it made us wonder how you steer something so big:)

flood gates to the city of Cape Girardeau
The river has flooded many times and we saw just how how it can get 

Along the river wall were murals of Missouri history -- picture of  the Trail of Tears, the Indians had to stop near here to rest over the cold winter until it was safe to cross the river.  Many Indians died.  

President Taft's Visit to the area in 1909.  There was history plaques along the wall so we could read about each of the pictures.  It reminded me of a giant time line of the state of Missouri's history.

There have been several major flood in the area, if I recalled correctly the largest being in the 1920's which was when the idea of building dikes and the wall began although not officially completed until the late 1960's

Also along the wall were pictures and stories of  Missouri famous people like Samuel Clemens, Yogi Bear and Calamity Jane just to name a few.   It was fun to read about them, and some I didn't know came from the Missouri area

Learning about the state animal which is the mule and during WWI provided the troops with over 80% of the mules  needed.

state bird and flower
We learned tons just by walking and reading the informational plaques about the state we are living in.  It was a beautiful day and the kids got a tiny bit of education as well without even realizing it:)  Plus the murals were so pretty to look at.

My husband had heard of a Missouri landmark restaurant that wasn't too far away.  We took a leisurely driveand found a great restaurant that my kids have now declared their favorite!

At this restaurant they are known for throwing their bread rolls at customers to catch and then eat:)  Kids loved it!!!!

Waiters also walked around serving things like apple butter , fried okra and southern black eyed peas, which we all tried and like.  

It is always fun at the end of a busy day to sit by the fire and roast s'mores:) and relax and talk as a family.

Firedrake finding her first live cicada, which we had been hearing all weekend.
If you want to see a cool picture of a cicada coming out of its shell visit my friend Tracy's blog here!  So neat to have capture that moment.  What a wonderful learning moment with her kids.


  1. What a fascinating walk and another adventure to add to your collection! Those murals are beautiful and my kids would love the roll throwing restaurant too! Thanks for linking up my cicada post and that's a beautiful live one Firedrake caught!

  2. Having never lived where there are cicadas, I have so ask, is it pronounced "sikada" or "sisada" or "kikada"? Fried okra, blech! :-) Reminds me of meals at my grandmother's where I hated okra, just because all of my cousins did (never even tried it until I was an adult). She always served creamed corn also, which I wouldn't even try, because it seemed so bizarre. That was a big mistake, I missed out on years of eating some delicious food!

  3. I enjoyed your adventure as usual. I see that you are finding some neat places to visit here in the US. I am going to enjoy learning with you. My oldest daughter lives in Missouri. We visited there at Thanksgiving time 2 years ago. We have a family reunion planned in June of 2014.
    The story of the Trail of Tears is a sad one. I am also a huge fan of Calamity Jane.
    I enjoyed learning and viewing all of the pictures.
