
Sunday 7 July 2013

Week Two in our move

It has been a busy 2 weeks getting everything set up and ready for the family to move in.  Just in case you didn't know moving is expensive! We keep being surprised by little expenses that keep creeping in and making a mockery of our carefully planned budget!  Our house is coming together and we have completed 25 out of the 28 items on our list.  While not being able to stay completely on budget, we hope that by spending the money now we will ward off any future expenses, at least that is what we keep telling ourselves.

My husband and I realized this week that this has been the longest time we have been without our children, 2 weeks.  We have left them with my parents for up to a week before but never 2 weeks.  Not sure my parent will ever agree to watch my kids again after this length of time!  But, we couldn't have accomplished as much on our list if the kids had been with us, so THANKS Mom and Dad!

The craziest thing we have done this week is drive 300 miles one way to shop at Ikea.  I have been going into local furniture stores looking for bookcases to use in our new school room and couldn't find what I was looking for.  The few shelving units that I did find had limits of 15 to 23 pounds per shelf, considering the amount of books I have I knew that just wouldn't cut it.   So I took to the Pinterest page and started searching on the web for homeschool classrooms and noticed lots of people were shopping at Ikea for their school room furniture.  Once I checked out Ikea's web page, I found bookcases that could hold 63 pounds per shelf, I knew where we needed to go.  

Our car load of 5 bookcases and a desk.  All of which is sitting in the garage as we have no tools to assemble them until our sea freight arrives.  I think this is only the second or third time I have ever been in an Ikea store, sure wish there was one closer because that is a drive I can only convince my husband to do once, I think!  He was a really good sport about it, I must say.  

My husband and I have been enjoying going to more upscale restaurants, you know ones without chicken nuggets on the menu and paper napkins:). We are taking this opportunity to go to seafood restaurant, and the melting pot, my personal favorite. 

On July 4 th we took the day off from the house and work and went to the botanical gardens.  Just to slowly wander the grounds, it was fabulous!  Later we took a nap, heaven, since we have been working at a non stop pace for the last week and a half.

On Saturday we bought tickets to see the Cardinal play the Marlins.  I haven't been to a baseball game in years.  It has been nice to have some time together and regroup, my husband is still my favorite person to hang out with.

We are hoping the work to the house is completed this week.  Thanks for stopping by and I hope in another couple of weeks I will be back to browsing your blogs


  1. That's so cool! It's like you're dating again. I've heard a lot of good things about Ikea, but haven't been to a store. Thanks for the tip. We will have a lot of shopping to do when we move back to the states too.

  2. Wow, that is so awesome that you are getting some great time with your hubby. It is too bad it is work; but at least you have taken a few breaks. I am sure your children are having a great time and trust me the grandparents are happy.

  3. Two weeks without your kids! My mind is boggled by such a concept! :-) That's cool that you've been having some more intimate together. I have a major love/hate relationship with IKEA. We just went down there and it went much better since I was able to print out the rows/bins that our desired items were in. Still it is overwhelming crowded there and the minute I walk in, I want to walk out.
