
Monday 10 June 2013

Raku Pottery

We had an opportunity to do a quick Raku pottery class before we left England.  The Homeschool Mom who runs this was so kind to squeeze us in and even held the class on a day when it rained on and off as time was running out for us.   I have seen Raku pots in shops before but didn't know the process so it was very exciting to see and be able to make a few pots to take home with us.

First we were instructed on the painting methods and how the process of Raku works.  You can't always predict what your piece will turn out like, but that is part of the fun:)

Each of us were able to complete 2 pots.  Little Man painting his

Princess painting hers

Loading the kiln, we did two separate firings.  This was a homemade kiln that the Mom made taking a class from the Anglican Pottery society.  Pretty impressive

Propane was used to fire up the kiln

Each child was brought in one at a time to take a peek at the process of the firing on and off .  the kiln can get up to 1000 degree C.  Each firing took about 60 minutes 

Moms being instructed on how to work as a team to prevent any injuries.  Children watched this part as it is quite dangerous

Opening the kiln

Removing the very hot pottery from the kiln

Placing the pottery into steel can filled with wood sawdust.  The minute the pottery hits the sawdust it burst into flames

adding more saw dust on top of the pottery

Closing the lid and then we allow the pots to oxidize We left the pots in the can for about 20-30 minutes

Pottery is still very hot, they are then removed 

and placed into buckets of water.

Then the children use sponges or steel pads to  scrub their pots of all saw dust

The end result!!!

We really enjoyed ourselves and are so very pleased with our pots.  I can't wait to find a special place to display them when we get resettled into our new home.

1 comment:

  1. I've never even heard of raku before, but those are some really cool looking pots! That is amazing that she was able to set up a kiln in her backyard. I know so many ceramics teachers who'd love to teach, but can't for want of a kiln. Can this type of kiln be used for regular pottery or just raku?
