
Wednesday 15 May 2013

Henri Matisse Art project

We completed our study on Henri Matisse using the Meet the Masters program.  For the first time I veered away from the art project provided by Meet the Masters and found something else for the kids and I to try.

I found these stencils similar to Henri Matisse style at Art House

I told the kids they could use all the figures or only one but they needed to come up with a picture or story using just cut paper

Once the pictures were cut out they were glued onto card stock 

Little Man said his picture was of a family playing ball in the house:)

Princess was a family going horse riding

My attempt at a family in the park playing ball

We also read the book Greatest Artist by Mike Venezia.  We also watched this video to get some background information on the artist in order to learn a little more about this man.


  1. Oh this is a great post. Book, movie and project makes a perfect mini study. I pinned this one to do next year. - Thanks

  2. Hi Anna-Marie!

    Beautiful artwork! I have Meet the Masters program that we don't use :-( as I seem to barely get the "basics" in these days :) But, your post is inspiring and maybe one day I'll Meet the Masters with my children once again! Great post! :) Hope all your moving preparations are going well!

  3. All the blogs I'm reading must be on an art kick, because I just added 5 pins to my art lesson board :)

  4. What was the assignment from Meet the Masters? Your pictures came out great! I can't believe how much stuff you're doing while getting ready for an international move across the Atlantic! Do you ever sleep?!?!?
