
Monday 29 April 2013

Museums in Paris

While in Paris we made the most of visiting as many museums as we could.  Everyone had a different museum they wanted to see.  I am showing just the highlights...

Daddy wanted to see the Museum of the Middle ages

They had many wonderful stain glass windows, some of the oldest I have ever seen

Beautiful tapestries were found there as well, unfortunately the one I most wanted to see "The Lady and the Unicorn" was on tour so we missed it:(

Kids taking a break and playing chess in the courtyard
Les Invalides which is a military museum and veterans hospital.

Napoleon's Tomb
The d'Orsay museum unfortunately no pictures were allowed inside.   The lines to get into the museum was so long.  Luckily we had bought a museum pass and were able to bypass this line.  But once inside it was CROWDED.  This museum is known for the impressionist work found here.

Nice statue outside the museum

The Louvre--this place is HUGE!!!

First stop for the children was to see the Mona Lisa

Look at the crowd in front of the painting we had to fight our way to the front row to get the picture above:)

This museum is so big we had to get DS guide to help us find the way to the works of art we wanted to see.  There was no way to see everything so we tried to find the art work that each of us wanted to see the most 

I of course had to see Vermeer's painting -- he is my favorite artist

my Husband had to see Rembrandt's work which is his favorite artist

This guide was so neat as you typed in what art you wanted to see next and it would tell you how far away it was and in what wing

and it even included a GPS type map which we used to get around the museum.  The kids loved this and I get to count it as mapping skills in addition to visiting an art museum...WIN WIN for me:)

the crowds inside the Louvre, we went on a Saturday and it was crazy busy.  

Del Orangerie -- where Claude Monet's Water lilies paintings can be found.  They are house in 2 large oval rooms , no pictures were allow but it was beautiful

It also housed other works as well  Kids found a Picasso and my husband was surprise to see Picasso really knew how to draw something more normal, and my kids promptly told Daddy that Picasso had 4 different styles of art

I loved these two paintings, can't remember who did them but they are of the same building by the same artist only 3 years apart.  

We didn't do all these museums in a single day, but spread them out.  We also enjoy trying out Crepes for one of our meals.  They were very good.


  1. The GPS thing is cool and crazy all at the same time!! How neat!!

  2. Fantastic pics!
    I feel as if I was there along with you!
    My kids will love the giant chessboard -- gotta show them that!

    Anna Marie, thank you so very much for linking today to Memoir MOnday!
    I so appreciate it.

    Have a lovey day!

  3. There were also crowds in front of the Mona Lisa when we were there. Next time we will look at other things in the museum.

  4. I am having fun joining your adventure through the pictures. What an awesome experience for your children. They are very blessed to have parents that take them on all of these fun trips.
    Sometime I will share the story of my trip to the Smithsonian Institute.

  5. Ohhh! The pictures of the crepes are making me hungry! I love crepes! That crowd looks nasty, though seeing the Mona Lisa in person is definitely an experience that really ranks high up there in really cool experiences. That is funny that they had a program for the DS! Did they have them for iPhones also? Our zoo has a similar app for the iPhone. It is very nice indeed.

  6. My hubby & I (before kids) spent one day in Paris & loved it. We crammed as much as we could in the one day. One thing I wasn't going to miss was the Louvre. We only spent a couple hours there, but it was fabulous. I love the DS guide! What a great idea. Hopefully, we'll go back again & be able to take advantage of the guide.

  7. Hi Anna Marie, love your pictures of your trip to Paris! What a fun and culturally impacting experience for your children. God bless.
