
Wednesday 3 April 2013

Mosque visit and Learning about Islam

Last week we visited the local Islamic mosque in the city.  There are several members of the home education group who are Muslims and they attend this mosque and put together a visit for the home education group.
We were told about the 5 pillars of Islam and what they mean.

Shown where the Imam sits during prayers and shown the prayer rug

Lovely gentleman explained the principals behind the Muslim faith

We heard a prayer in Arabic and then it was said again in English

The ladies prepared a table laid up with various food that are found in the Koran and used by the prophet Mohammed

The kids were given one of these to try.

We were also given a bag of Barley flour and directions for making this porridge.  We are planning on trying this as the ladies told us it was very sweet tasting.

There were many familiar items, like figs and dates but a few I hadn't heard of, like black seed.

They had on display many copies of the Koran and in many languages.

at the front of the mosque is the place for the Wudu.  Before beginning to pray there is a certain way you must wash you face, arms and feet.

We tried some Moroccan tea

This clock represents the times for the prayers held at this mosque.   We were told that the times change based on winter/summer months.

the ladies put together many fun activities for the kids such as art n crafts, food and of course Henna art.  This turned out much better than my design a few weeks ago.  Princess loved it

On our way out we were given a gift bag and inside was a copy of the Koran and a guide explaining the muslim faith.  I plan to take a look at both to further understand this religion.

We are learning so much with our religious studies.  So far we have been to a Hindu Center and Buddhist Center.  Next month we will be touring a Jewish Synagogue and a Catholic church. 


  1. Interesting! I love the henna! We don't have many Muslim homeschoolers around here, that I am aware of anyway. If there are many, the must stick to themselves for the most part. There is a Muslim temple just down the road and I see Muslims all around the area, just at homeschooling events. The one Muslim homeschooler that I did know recently disappeared, as she is in hiding from her abusive soon-to-be-ex-husband... (some people know where she is and a few are having contact with her, so she is safe, but to keep her safe, most people only have the vaguest idea where she is). So now I don't even know one Muslim homeschooler (she had to put the kids in school so that she could work).

  2. Interesting look into the Muslim culture///thank you. It seems the individuals running the program were very comprehensive.
    I'll be very honest with this area of the country, in particular, there are strong anti- feelings. Very strong. An event such as this in the HSing community would never even get off the ground. I think being open to the culture and the people is so vastly important! For ADULTS moreso than kids, to tell you the truth.

    And believe me, I'm not judging b.c I am one who needs to learn/accept and be more open.

    My brother was in the North Tower.As were husbands of 3 friends. You know where I'm coming from. They all GOT out. Miraculously. The horrors of what those who survived saw their innocent fellow man endure. The guilt that they survived. The dead and all their belongings on the ground strewn about moments before, then days after, the towers collapsed. I could go on, but why....
    I applaud your group for their openmindedness and acceptance.
    And I so hate this word used this way...but....: tolerance.
    Thanks Anna Marie:)

    See you online:)

    1. Chris I most definitely understand where you are coming from, I think I had such a strong desire to visit for those very reasons. I watch the towers fall and felt my daughter kick (I was pregnant) for the very first time that day. Thankfully I didn't loss anyone in those building. I am also glad your brother and friends made it out safely. However my husband was in DC for the last plane and he had to go into a bunker for several hours and I couldn't reach him and it was the most terrifying time in my life not knowing if he was hurt, so I do understand.

      I have to say there were some ladies there who were very tough with their questions regarding the this faith and the people at the center did well with trying to answer the questions, but even I left still with questions being unasked (for fear of offending). It was a tough day for all but in the end I want my children to understand, be open minded and tolerant of all faiths, because in my heart I fell this is the right way to raise my children. I don't want them to grow up with hatred regarding 9/11, even though that day is seared in my head and heart .

      I hope that all makes sense, I almost felt like it was a healing experience for me as well as a learning experience for the children.

    2. Hey there,
      Yes, definitely makes sense, esp the last paragraph.
      I do know that there are many many innocents within and there are redeeming influences within the culture. Although one can't help think that bloodshed has gone back to the taking over and renaming of Constantinople! Unreal about your hubby that day. How terrifying.
      Thanks for the reply.
      I actually clicked over b.c I wanted to tell you that you should not feel it is offensive to take my comments down if you are uncomfortable with them on a public forum,
      Have a great day, friend.

    3. Chris I would not take your comments down:) Because I understand where they are coming coming. So no worries there my bloggy friend:)

  3. Another great adventure in learning about other faiths. I have done some studying of the Islam faith. My husband has an adopted brother that is from Iran. He joined our faith many years ago and was disowned by his family. He is in his 70's now and a wonderful man. We have made visits to see him. He always takes us out to eat at various Mid-eastern restaurants. I love the food. He has explained to us many aspects of the Islam religion and why his family disowned him. It's all kind of sad.
    I enjoyed this post and I think it is so awesome you are doing these studies with your children.
    Blessings to you!

    1. Thanks LeAnn, I would love for us to visit a Mormon Temple one day. I haven't found one where we live but maybe we can investigate when we return to the states this summer.

  4. It looks like another educational adventure!!
