
Wednesday 17 April 2013

Making a Victoria Sponge Cake

I was visiting my friend recently and she showed me how to make a Victoria Sponge cake, which is one of my favorite British desserts.  This cake is named after Queen Victoria who favored it during her afternoon tea breaks.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Sieve 12oz self raising flour and 1 teaspoon baking powder

add 8 oz margarine (do not use the light version) at room temperature

Add 10 sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt

Beat 4 eggs and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract or essence (do not use flavoring)

add 90 ml of milk

Lightly fold all ingredients and then beat for 2 minutes

Batter should be thick and very creamy

Lightly grease 2 -- 9 inch pans and add parchment paper to the bottom

Place batter into cake pans and spread it out evenly

bake 30-40 minutes if the cake springs back with lightly touched it is done
(Don't use the tooth pick test as it is not as reliable)

Allow cakes to cool in pans about 5 minutes.  Don't leave them in the pans too long

Next step to make the cream frosting.

Add 4 oz butter

1 1/2 cups confectioners sugar

cream together can add vanilla if you like but not necessary

Find good quality jam either raspberry or strawberry.
On one half of the cake spread jam
On the other cake spread butter cream icing

Place the two cakes together

Lightly sift powder sugar on top or leave it plain

Now enjoy this delicious cake with a cup of tea!  My friend says this cake batter can easily be adapted to make other cakes by adding flavoring like chocolate or coffee.  If you are interested in finding more recipes check out her new blog Transatlantic Tattler.  I have tried several of her recipes and they always turn out great!!!


  1. Looks lovely!
    Thanks for the explicit step by step! I'll go check out the blog:)

    Have a great day!

  2. Well I think it's time to study this period in history, or maybe just time for tea. That cake looks really good.

  3. Oh yeah! This is our type of dessert! Totally pinning this! BTW, what does "Add 10 sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt" mean? 10 ounces, teaspoons, or what... of sugar? I'm thinking ounces, but wanted to verify...

    1. Maureen it is 10 oz of sugar and I will fix the post:) thanks for pointing it out...I hope you do try this cake it is very good!

  4. It looks yummy; thanks for the tutorial.
    Blessings and hugs!
