
Wednesday 10 April 2013

It's Official --- We are Moving!!!

We have our orders and our plane tickets, we are moving back to the states in 8 weeks.  Now the time of madness begins; cleaning and sorting out the house, deciding what to keep, throw away, sell and donate.  It will be chaos here for a bit.  I plan on continuing school for a little while longer but we are winding down with extra projects and concentrating on the reading, writing, arithmetic and a few more field trips.  What ever I didn't complete this year, school wise, I will resume when we get settled back in the states.

This past weekend we had to say good bye to our pet gecko "Sparks";(.  Our neighbor kindly gave us him to us 3 years ago and we have enjoyed having him around.  Princess was very good at supplying him daily clean water and helping to feed him locusts.  Both kids learned to handle him properly and he was a great first pet.

Sparks --  he is now going to be a gecko stud as our neighbor breeds and sells geckos as a second job.   So I think he will be a happy gecko:) Our neighbor told us he would send us periodic updates so the kids felt ever so slightly better about losing their first pet.
such sad faces

Makes a mother feel guilty

The move back to the states I think will be harder on the children than the move out here because they are older.  Little man barely remembers the states as he has lived in the UK longer than he has the states.  Both kids will miss their friend and activities.  We had a wonderful home school experience here and I hope we can find that in the states.


  1. Good luck with the move back hope it all goes well! You sure saw a lot whilst you were here though!

  2. Hope the move goes well. I will miss your posts about places I haven't discovered yet, here in the UK. Hopefully, there will soon be posts about the US which we certainly haven't seen.

  3. sob sob sob. We will miss you so much!!!!!

  4. Wow, you are embarking on a very big adventure. I can tell the children are a bit sad giving a way their pet. I have so enjoyed learning so much from all of your activities. I would assume that you will find many wonderful adventures here. I will look forward to them all.
    Blessings and hugs!

  5. So sad about the gecko! I hope you have a good move! It seems like you have been talking about it forever and then suddenly, it's here. Maybe you'll make your way out to WA, since you're always going places and we can meet IRL!

  6. Another big adventure!! I'll be praying that all goes well. I love that you have made so much of your time across the ocean. You inspire me to show my kids the world (even if it's just our very small part of the world). Good luck with all the upcoming changes.
