
Monday 4 March 2013

Viking Festival

This is our third year participating in the Jorvik Viking Festival.  York is one of our favorite places and we always have so much fun there.  This year only my husband and daughter decided to dress up and actively participate in the festivities while my son and I decided to stay warm and wear regular clothes:)

Through the town there are lots of activities for the children to do.

Fighting the Vikings is always a fun one:)

The Fulford tapestry.  Last year we watch while some of the ladies worked on this...and this year we got to see the finish work.  

One evening we attended a Viking Heimkomma, which is a homecoming.  It was such a wonderful atmosphere inside the York minister

Father and Daughter having a walk about town in their saxon outfits and getting their photos taken by lots of tourist:)

All the re enactors march thru the town beginning at the York Minister and ending at the battle field.  There about 300 re-enactors present for this event.

During the afternoon battle I caught this scene of the Bishop blessing one of the soldiers before battle

The battle ending, my hubby is lying down in that field somewhere:)

The Evening battle this year was done beside Clifford's Tower and work much better than in Year's past when it was held at the York Race course

The end is always filled with fireworks and it was beautiful!!
This is one activity we will greatly miss when we return to the states this year.


  1. So sorry to hear that your hubby was killed in battle! :-) It look likes so much fun, as all of your re-enactments do! The tapestry is beautiful and the Heimkomma looks like it was a breathtaking sight.

  2. As always- so cool!!! The memories you are making with your kids inspire me.

  3. Wow, I wish we had something like there near here!! This looks SO amazing. So epic and perfect. We'd all love this!

    Great shots, Ann Marie; can't wait to show my kids.

    Take care and have a great day!

  4. Oh my word... My kids would love this! Thanks for sharing so many great pictures and for letting us live vicariously through you!

  5. Oh my this was a great adventure. It is so amazing how many kinds of activities that you have over in England. I loved this one and the pictures were so fun.
    Blessing and hugs!
