
Monday 4 February 2013

Pantomime Season in the UK

It is Pantomime season in the UK, also known as "Panto".  This is not to be confused with "Mime."  Panto in the UK is a form of musical comedy which includes songs, slapstick, dancing, audience participation and is usually geared towards families (but there is adult humor).  Most importantly it  combines local humor with a story loosely based on a well-known fairy tale.  Many local amateur drama clubs put on a show usually starting in November and it lasts until the end of January.   This year I took the kids to see "Snow White and the Seven Blokes" at the village Church.

It is very common for male actors to take on female roles:)

Very cute kids singing and dancing

The seven (actually only six) blokes.  One actor played the part of the seventh bloke.

light saber sword fight--kids loved the star wars humor in the play

lots of humor

audience participation of the song

the seven (six) blokes dancing

Must have a pie in the face near the end!!!

the entire cast!
We had lots of fun and it was a very nice evening out.  Kids are still remembering some of the humor of the play a week later:)


  1. That is certainly not a custom that we inherited from the Brits here, but it sounds like fun!

  2. How interesting and FUN!
    Thanks for sharing these events!!
    Have a great day!

  3. What a very fun adventure. I loved the pictures and I am so happy you have these unigue opportunities for family fun.
    Hugs and blessings!
