
Monday 25 February 2013

A trip to the London Eye

We went into London recently and after exploring one of the museums took a side trip to the London Eye.  The last time we did this with the children was nearly 4 years ago, and Little Man could not remember going.

View of the London Eye as we approach

We went a week after Valentines day and all the trees lining up towards the Eye had sparkly hearts ornaments hanging in the branches.

Kids and I waiting while Daddy stands in a long, long line to buy tickets for us

In line waiting to go up

The cars rarely stop so when one bunch of people empty a car, a crew quickly goes in with mirrors to scan beneath benches looking for bombs and cleaning the cars quickly.  I bet they have less then 20 seconds to do that before the cars fill up with the next group of people.

Princess claimed a great spot right in front:)

Big Ben, it was a bright a sunny day so we had a great view of London.  Inside the eye they had little computer screens to help identify building and land marks.  Little Man loved that feature

Looking at a car at the top of the Eye, they fit approximately  20 people in a car so it is not overly crowded

My guys enjoying the sights

The Thames river

Family picture:)  Someone kindly offered to take a family photo.

We had a great day out in London and enjoyed being a tourist for the day:)


  1. I've heard that it is at least four times higher than our new Ferris wheel here. I don't think I'd like having to cram in with a whole bunch of other people... Does everyone get a good view, even the people that get stuck in the center? When we went with three people, we got a car to ourselves, but it was a cold weekday.... People that were at ours said that the London one only goes around once, is that true? If so, you'd think the cars would stop more frequently.... I don't think they checked for bombs or anything on ours. Of course, I never thought about it, but it most certainly a valid concern and now I wish that they did check ours. Lovely view you had and I love the heart thingies!

    1. People usually do get a good view as the cars are not overly crowded. The wheel turns very slowly so the ride last about 30 to 45 minutes and only goes around once. the only time the wheel stop was when the handicapped ramp had to be used to put someone on or off but they crew works so fast the wheel doesn't stop for very long. It was very efficiently run I have to say.

  2. I'll be sharing this with my kids b.c they love all things London and your pics/descriptions are so perfect!!
    I never knew that's what it is called!
    (Do you watch Sherlock or doctor Who on BBC? It is pictured here and there in a few episodes...)
    Thanks for sharing.
    Take care!

    1. We haven't seen Sherlock and for some reason my kids find Dr Who scary:(. But they have friends who tell them all about the creatures on Dr Who.:)

  3. You know, I've lived near London almost my entire life, but have never been on the London Eye! It looks like you had a fabulous time...maybe I ought to give it a go!

    1. That is usually the way when you live somewhere you don't take advantage of the things in your own area we did the same when we lived in the states. :)

  4. Another amazing adventure. I didn't know about the Eye in London. I hope sometime to visit there; so perhaps I will get this experience. If not I enjoyed your picture journey.
    Blessings to you all; I loved the pictures.

  5. What an incredible thing to be able to experience with your family. A trip to London is on my bucket list. I found you through the No Ordinary Blog Hop, and am a new follower via GFC. I sure miss my homeschooling days. You are incredibly blessed. Have a great day!
