
Monday 17 December 2012

Gingerbread houses

Friends came over last week and we had the kids construct Gingerbread houses.  The kids had a lot of fun and we had fun eating way too much candy:)

My friend made all the Gingerbread pieces and I bought all the candy.  

Kids worked hard on constructing their houses.  

A door way was added so we could add a battery light as we made candy stain glass windows:)

Roof construction always the tricky part

Little Man's completed house 

Princess' completed house

The children showed a bit more restraint in how much candy they added to their houses this year.  Although no restraint was shown in how much candy they ate:)!


  1. I'd love it if you shared your icing recipe, as I have never gotten a gingerbread house to stick together. The walls always fall down long before I even think of putting on the roof, but it looks like your kids are doing it all by themselves. So you either have some secret tricks for getting them to stay together or just have a better icing recipe than I do. I LOVE the idea of stained glass windows!

  2. Hi Maureen,
    We just used confectioner sugar but just made it very very thick
