
Wednesday 21 November 2012

Ice skating


Outdoor ice skating rinks are very popular in England from Nov until end of February.  My daughter's girls scout troop went ice skating at the local garden center's outdoor rink.  Forgive the quality of the pictures I left my camera at home and someone else took these pictures.  

Little man using a skating aid to help him remain upright.

Princess took several tumbles but kept going the entire time

Eventually getting her legs moving

Little Man picking up speed and venturing away from the wall
Kids had a great time and both now want to take ice skating lessons in the future!:)  

I am taking a mini break from my blog to spend some time with my family over the Thanksgiving holiday.  I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with your family:)!!!


  1. What fun! I hope your Thanksgiving is full of much laughter and joy and good eats :-)

  2. Well, we don't have fun skating aids like penguins around here! I'm bummed! All we have is boring things that look like chairs. Looks like your kids had fun! Thus far, none of my kids has really enjoyed ice skating much. I was thinking about taking Dora this year, but since I don't really like to skate, I think I'm going to wait until she is old enough to go on her own.

  3. BTW, if I got to hold onto a cute penguin, I'd be much more apt to go ice skating!
