
Wednesday 17 October 2012

Pumpkin patch

After Home school gym day a group of us decided to head to the pumpkin patch.  Last year we went late and were hugely disappointed in what we found.  So this year we decided to go early in the hopes of scoring a giant pumpkin!

This was what we saw when we first arrived:(  Most of the pumpkins were still green and fairly small in size.
The kids finally found some Orange ones
Princess found the one she wanted

After much contemplating and griping Little Man finally picked his pumpkin.  Can you tell by his face it didn't meet his standards:)

The homeschool wheelbarrow.  
For the children the only consolation to their disappointment of the lackluster pumpkin patch is that next year we will be back in the states where (and I quote from Little Man) "they know how to grow bigger pumpkins!"


  1. That is hilarious!!! I love his quote :)

  2. We have friends that were living in VA a few years ago...she blogged about this amazing pumpkin patch with slides built into the hills and other such wonderful things. Most pumpkin patches in my area (northwest FL) are just rows of pumpkins in a church parking lot :-) Still take my kiddos though. Hope you show us finished products oh whatever you guys do with yours!

  3. Yes, we do know how to grow pumpkins. There are a zillion all over. Sadly, they will not seel them all. Loved your pictures of the pumpkin patch and your children. What kind of holiday do they have in England? I am assuming that they don't do Halloween.

  4. No offense to the UK, but if that is what all their pumpkin patches look like, well, I agree with Little Man. That has to be one of the saddest looking pumpkin patches that I have ever seen!

  5. That pumpkin patch still beats anything I've ever been able to grow! Tell your kids NOT to visit Edmonton, Alberta if they're looking for less-pathetic pumpkins! (Actually, there are probably people here who grow very nice pumpkins - I've just never met them yet!) Fun post. I, too can't wait to see the finished product! Thanks for sharing!
