
Wednesday 22 August 2012

While Daddy was working...

We had to stop our history tour of the WWI sites in Germany and France,  because Daddy had to work on this trip!  So  the kids and I spent a week in a hotel and found other ways to amuse ourselves.

Doing school work in the mornings

going to the park

in the evenings Daddy played chess with Princess, who is starting to get really good at this game

Little Man and I played snakes and ladders

One day we went to Stuttgart zoo and botanical gardens

where we saw gorillas

kids petting zoo

Lastly played in the hotels water fountain
We had a busy week while daddy was working but once he was done we were off to more WWI sites.  While the on our way over we concentrated on British aspects of the first war, now we plan to explore the French and American version of the war. 


  1. What a wonderful adventure!! You sure made good use of time waiting for dad to finish working. It is so nice to see children being educated by history that had a major impact on us.. you are such a great mom. I am visiting you from NOBH, this is my first time here and I wanted to get to know what the team is up to!
    Have a great day and the rest of your adventure.

  2. Looks like a fun trip! Sometimes, hotels, just by themselves are exciting enough for kids.

  3. I love the little goat! How cute! These are great pictures, thank you so much for sharing these. :)

  4. Wow, what amazing adventures. Your kids will gain so much insight by actually visiting the places where important events in WWI took place. The history will stick with them so much better. What a great opportunity!

  5. As always, you live up to your blog site title! You can make even a stay in a hotel an adventure. It's a gift!

  6. That looks like our trips with daddy :) Glad you were able to take advantage of this time!
