
Wednesday 8 August 2012

Art -- Winslow Homer

We are continuing with our Meet the Masters Art program and this past month we have been learning about Winslow Homer who is an American artist in the 19th century.   This month's lessons concentrated on understanding color value.

The project consisted of using black, white, gray paper and white/black crayons

Cutting out our shapes

adding shading

Putting it all together

Gluing papers down

Free hand tearing of paper to add to our masterpiece

Princess's finished piece

Little Man's version of the art work

My completed piece.  I enjoy doing the art lesson along with the children--the kids pointed out I glue my sun down wrong:(

We are enjoying these lessons and quite proud of how are art pieces are turning out. 


  1. Wow, they came out looking great! My son just hated the program, so we never made it to Homer, but the project looks really cool!

  2. Those look really nice. I love the way the shading adds depth to the picture. Art is an area we are lacking. I just bought the book Discovering Great Artists which has projects based on Masters. It may be the same one you are using? Anyway, I'm excited to give it a try this year.

  3. Lovely art from you all. I so enjoy your approach to homeschooling; I am learning alot from you, also. Blessings to you all.

  4. I love your posts on history, and I really like the art posts. i hated art as a kid because I thought I couldn't draw. I learned that we can learn to do our own art with teaching. i am always so delighted by your children's work. I have no doubt they will not be bound by those chains of self-doubt that I was!
