
Monday 16 July 2012

Olympic Resources

The kids and I are working on an Olympics unit this summer and while exploring the web I am finding some very cool resources that we are using.  I am so grateful that so many people create and share their resources with others.  It just makes home schooling so much easier and full filling as you can  find a wealth of free resources at your finger tips.

 The first resource that we used is Math Olympics which I found at Classroom Magic.

Some of the paperwork from the site.  There are 5 simple games the children can play in the back yard that represents an Olympic event.  Javelin, shot put, discus, long jump and high jump.

Simple everyday items are used.  For the shot put we used a crumpled-up paper, although the directions said to use a cotton ball

Then the kids measured the distance of the throw and wrote it down.  This could be done in cm or inches

For the javelin throw we toss a straw as far as we could and then measured the distance

The Discus throw had us using a paper plate

After each activity we measured the distance of each person's throw and then compared.  There is even a form to award gold, silver and bronze medals, but I skipped that part as my children don't like to come in second place, EVER!!!  What a fun math activity working on measurement.

Next I found an Olympic graphing activity from The Joy of Teaching 
She does have a paid site but I only downloaded the one freebie.   However the other graphing projects do look like fun:)

The kids learned how to graph using positive and negative numbers on a graph using an X and Y axis

But eventually the kids figure it out

and began to notice a shape emerging

a picture of an Olympic medal
Some other sites that we have found interesting Olympic theme pages are:
Home school share Olympic lapbook
Study ladder has a great  PDF file you can download and use
BBC has a London 2012 site for kids

I hope you some of these site might be of interest to you:)


  1. Fun! We're so out of it here in regards to the Olympics. If more people were like us, there would be no Olympics, which would be a shame. Fortunately, the rest of the world stays on top of these things better than our family does. We also never know when the Super Bowl, World Series, NBA Playoffs, World Cup, etc. are going on. I did better with keeping track of the Olympics before they split the years that the winter and summer Olympics were held. Every two years is too much for my brain to keep track of.

  2. Looks like great resources! I wish I would have found these resources last year when we did Ancient Greece. But, since you shared all the great links I can do these! That's neat that the Summer Olympics are in London this year in your neck of the woods! Your kids must be History buffs for sure with all the adventures and resources at your fingertips :)

  3. Great post, with great ideas! We love the Olympics here and are very much looking forward to them this year. My boys have worked on some Olympic word lists on the site they use for spelling, SpellingCity, but that's about it really. I am going to check out the resources you listed, especially the Math Olympics one! :D

    Again, great post. Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. This looks awesome! There is so much you can do with the Olympics! I know this is all about math, but I can't help but think of all the writing you could incorporate, too! The literacy teacher in me has all kinds of ideas swirling in my head now: researching past Olympians, journaling as if you are one of the competitors, writing a narrative from the point of view of the shot put or the discus! I am always inspired when I find you on NOBH and read all that you are doing with your children. Thank you!
    Love and God Bless,
