
Friday 15 June 2012

Fishing trip

My son's cub scout troop last official meeting of the year was going fishing.  I was supposed to attend but that day my daughter had a stomach bug, so I sent my husband off with my son and my camera.   We were a bit worried as the rain clouds came rolling in but the guide said that was a good thing as the fish were towards the surface of the lake.

Learning about the types of fish in the lake

Little Man had no problem putting the maggots onto the hook:)

Learning how to cast a pole
He caught a fish, Little Man was so excited! Actually all the boys caught fish, my husband said the fish were biting well

Showing off his prize fish.  Most of the fish the boys caught were small but the guide did say there were bigger ones out there

This is a catch and release pond so the fish gets tossed back in

We were so lucky that the local fishing club provided 2 fishing experts to teach the cub scouts novices how to fish.  They were so patient and so good to the boys.  I am planning a trip for my daughters girl scout troop later this summer.  The boys had a great time thanks to the amazing fishing instructors!!!


  1. The "maggots" are actually hamburger right? At first, I was thinking "disgusting!", but I actually zoomed in on the photo and it looks like hamburger. I have a thing about maggots, as I had a traumatic childhood experience with them, which I will spare you the disgusting details of. Anyway, glad it was a humane catch and release pond. A lot of the ponds around here use barbed hooks to help keep their "guarantee" that you'll catch a fish. For some reason, once a fish is caught with a barbed hook, it will die, even if it is released. I let my in-laws take my kids fishing once w/o knowing about this and have felt guilty about it ever since. We released the fish (ain't no way that I'm cleaning, gutting, or skinning anything!) and from what I gather, it is more humane to just kill them, else they die a torturous death (I think they can never eat again as the barbed hook rips up their mouth or something like that). So we unknowingly caused the torturous death of four poor little fish, which makes me feel really sad... I'm not against people catching and eating fish, just against causing torturous deaths.

    1. I just asked my husband since he was the one who was there and he said they were pink maggots. Not sure what kind of bug they grow up to be:). Here in England you must fish in a humane way no barbed hooks and you must have a degorger to help remove the hook without harming the fish:).

      I am so with you on the cleaning gutting or skinning a fish. I would make a lousy cave woman:)

  2. Wow, another great adventure for your children and hubby. I love this one. My parents loved to go fish and when I was a little girl, my Dad would fix my fish line and I would wait for a little while. I soon got bored and left my pole; so my Dad went and put a fish on it and then yelled to be to come and get my fish. This is a favorite memory. Of course, at the time I didn't know he had put a fish on the line.
    Thanks for a great post and a memory. I am sure your scouts will remember this one.

  3. What a sweet memory of your Dad. So precious:)!!!

  4. What a great trip! I used to love to fish with my dad!

  5. What a wonderful experience for the kids! Maggots? Really? Thanks for sharing with us at NOBH. Every blessing
