
Monday 11 June 2012

Day out at Sir Issac Newton's house

I can tell spring is here as we have been going on lots of field trips with our UK home schooling groups.  Recently,  we went to Sir Issac Newton's home.  As a family we have been there before but this time we were participated in a class that built drag racers:)  Go here to see my previous post on Sir Issac Newton if you want more details on the house and his history.

On this day we spent most of our time in the barn where there are lots of hands on activities to help explain Sir Issac Newton's theories.

So pleased that my kids remember so much of what we have been learning in our physic class and last year's study of the solar system as they were able to answer many of the questions posed to the group


This one confused my two as this is the primary colors of light not paint, so I need to go back and revisit this to explain the difference

gravity--light ball vs heavier ball


counterfeit coins and Sir Issac Newtons role in the Royal mint

Next we moved on to the education room and worked on making drag racers.

Sample of what we are trying to build and race

Tracing out the pattern on card stock

folding paper into shape

adding mouse trap and duct, taping it down securely

Adding wheels

Making adjustments

Admiring our car and getting ready to race it

Unfortunately the kids cars did not do well in the races,  as in they didn't even move:(  However we were able to see others have successful races and cheer them on

The winning car

We had a great time and we plan on tweaking our cars at home and see if we can get them to work at home.


  1. Anything that involves building a drag racer has got to be fun! Looks like it was fun too! You guys sure have access to a lot of fun field trips. I wish our group was so active. It is kind of strange, because I have been told by people from England, that now live here, that homeschooling is super difficult to do in England. Especially with those Level tests they have. It sounds like you have a lot of people in your group though.

    1. We have seen a change just int he four years we have lived here. Some historic places are even catering to the home school community. It is getting better but there are still some areas of concerns. Luckily as an American the UK government leaves me alone:)

  2. That looks like a neat place. My kids would enjoy building on of the cars. Are they powered by the mouse trap?

    1. yes the mouse trap ran the racer. Our mousetraps kept getting stuck so it would go. We are planning to make some adjustments and see if we can get it working:)

  3. What fun! I am amazed by the sheer number of interesting places/homes/museums around you there in UK. I'm so glad you share with the rest us us. Especially those of us living in history-starved northern Alberta. :)

  4. How fun for both you and the kids! You know this of course, but your children are having such an unique education being overseas. Enjoy and treasure every moment! By the way, what level of physics class have you taught them? I wanted to get my son in a physics camp this summer but the scheduling didn't work out.

    1. Noreen I sent you a email with some sites to visit that we have used for are physic lessons:)

  5. I have never seen anything like that! Looks like everyone had fun! I drag race actual cars... So anything car related catches my eye. Especially things I can do with my kids!

    Visiting from No Ordinary Blog Hop.

    1. Thanks for the follow Julia, I will be by to follow back.

  6. Those drag racers are too neat. We're going to have to try and make those one of these days.
