
Monday 14 May 2012

Camping trip

Mother's Day weekend my son's cub scout troop had a camp out.  So the family decided to go and participate in the activities.  This was a monumental event for me as the last time I went camping in a tent was over 20 years ago and it was a traumatic experience.   I swore I would never do it again.  In fact when I married my husband I clearly stated that I DON'T tent camp and he swore he wouldn't ask me too.  For the record I do camp but only in heated or air conditioned campers with a toilet!

 However, being a mother requires you to make supreme sacrifices for your children.  So I found myself willing renting a tent and packing the car to go knowing that it has not stopped raining in our area for nearly 2 weeks and the ground would be muddy (horrid flashbacks) and that it is barely mid May and in England it is still COLD, temps ranging in the low 50's during the day and low 40's in at night.  Really my kids have no idea what this weekend was about to do to me!

 Our troop camp site.  It was quite a feat to find a spot in the field that wasn't too muddy to set up your tent.  By the end of the weekend the entrance way to our tent and the kitchen tent was nothing but mud. 
Our rented tent, which we needed help from those veterans campers to set up otherwise we would have been sleeping under the stars or in our car!:)  My prayers were answered as the rain clouds finally broke and we had sunshine for 2 whole days:)!!!

We had a fun day full of non stop activities and finally entered our tent around 10pm the temperatures had dropped and our shoes and socks were filthy (I should have taken pictures).  I bundled the kids up in thermal undies, clothes, extra thick socks and on top of their sleeping bags thick viking woolen cloaks.  It was still COLD!!!  However everyone was so exhausted that it didn't take long for the children for fall asleep.  I did not sleep quite as well but I expected that.

 My boys sleeping at 6 am the next day, but I was up and ready to go home:)  but we still had morning activities to attend.
So the big question is do I still hate tent camping...honestly...I prefer my camper!!

However, should my children need me too, I will load up the car and go tent camping again, but only for them and no one else;)!

What have you done for your kids that you never thought you would do?


  1. Wow! You deserve extra brownie points for not only doing this, but doing it on Mother's Day. Who arranges these types of things on Mother's Day? Even if you weren't camping, who really wants to be shuttling their kids around for Mother's Day? So I'm definitely of "I so love 'not camping'" mentality. I probably would have left and found a hotel, had i been you. The thought of trying to change clothes with muddy socks and a muddy entrance and it being that cold and you can't really stand up straight and there aren't any Starbucks around and... it gives me shudders to even think about it.

  2. LOL so glad I know some one else who isn't a tent camping fan. Living near a military base people don't understand my reluctance to go tent camping,LOL. Every year here the BS hold their camporee on Mother's day weekend, I think that is just plain WRONG:)

  3. Oh my gosh, I am so with you. I don't like camping anymore. We have a family reunion in July and will be camping and I am not looking forward to the tent and run to the outhouse thing.
    Loved the pictures and post of your latest adventure.

    1. Oh July will be hot for camping, this is why I like campers they have air conditioning when you need to get out of the sun. Hope you have a great family reunion.

      I forgot to mention the out house which is another reason why I like my camper I have my own toilet!!!

  4. Good for you! We have both a tent and a small pop-up camper. We will be camping in June for 5 days with some friends who ONLY tent. I am torn between taking the pop-up - furnace, electricity, RAISED beds, frig - or taking our tent so it's more of a "group" feeling. My youngest doesn't remember tenting and is anxious to try it out. What to do? LOL Either way, I'm sure it'll fun! What memories you made this weekend with the kids!

    1. Take the camper, LOL. Electricity was invented for a reason, is my new motto:) However I would bring the tent and let the children sleep outside if they choose since the other family is going to be tent camping. As for me I would be nice and cosy inside my camper:)

  5. What a Mother's Day memory! You are right, we do things for our kids that we wouldn't do otherwise! I went camping with my son and my friend and her son and it was an experience! :) Glad the sun broke through and you lived to tell another adventure! :) Clicked a vote for you! :)

  6. Yes, for our kids we do things we would never ever volunteer for otherwise. Looks like you all had fun!
