
Wednesday 4 April 2012

Community Service Project

We are still visiting with my parents and having lots of new adventures. My parents are retired and are quite involved in community projects. Twice a month they volunteer at the local food bank and help sort bags and stock shelves. Since we have been visiting the kids have joined them and helped. This has lead to some very interesting conversations with the kids. We haven't had much opportunity for volunteerism in England so I was very please to see the kids pitch in and give a hand.

Community Food Bank Building

Some of the food provided to the food bank comes from State payer's dollars, but most comes from local donations.

April's food sheet, tells us what to pack in each box or bag We packed about 20 boxes and about 70 bags of food in a 2 hour period

Kids checking expiration dates on baby food

Whatever is expired goes into a Pig Box to be donated to a local pig farmer who uses it to feed his stock of pigs.

Stocking shelves of donated baby food

Rearranging fridge in prep for a meat delivery later in the day

Delivery of boxed and can goods

Pantry shelves

Filling up food bags per the paper chart

Counting cans to add to food bags and boxes

Completed bags and boxes ready to distribute to those in need

The Director of the facility gave the children written documentation that we can to their school portfolios and turn in for their scouting requirements on earning their community service badge. I was so please to hear the kids say they want to go again to help out!


  1. Nice job--I'm proud of my kids!

  2. What a lovely thing to do! Its a shame we don't have something similar here in the UK

  3. you are always such an inspiration! thank you for linking up. I am starting a Volunteering pinboard for this post.

  4. They look like very willing participants. :-)
    What a wonderful opportunity for them to volunteer and to really see that there are folks who don't have enough to eat every day.

    We do workcamps here for our teen church youth group. The kids get to go to a community and work on homes for folks in real need. They come back irrevocably changed and realize how incredibly fortunate they are. They can't wait to go back the following year either!

  5. What an awesome adventure for your children. I think it is so wonderful that your children have this opportunity. In our church we have a church storehouse and they fill orders for groceries for many of the poor in our city. We also utilize the local food pantries. It amazes me how many people are in provety situations and they always ask for food first.

  6. Hi Anna-Marie!
    I'm so glad you are enjoying your time in the states with your parents! Loved this post and how wonderful to be able to see the "behind the scenes" at a food bank and work there too! It looks like your kids were kept busy! I'm sure it made your kids feel great to be helping others in such a big way! Way to go! Clicked a vote for you and Happy and Blessed Easter to you and your family if I don't get back in touch with you here on your wonderful blog! >3

  7. How awesome! Interestingly enough this type of service is a learning tool too! They learn to follow directions, counting skills, reading. What a wonderful real life experience to use! This type of learning doesn't happen in public school!

  8. We did a similar project once and it was a lot of fun.

  9. I love experiences like this!!!

  10. I love it! Thanks for sharing with BTT!
