
Wednesday 7 March 2012

Fossils Galore

Last Friday we visited some friends and they took us to an amazing little shop full of fossils. The owner is a 21 year old who has been collecting fossils since he was 4 years old. He has collected over 12 million fossil and mineral specimens. So many that he had to opened his own shop just to put them all. Jamie is quite the entrepreneur as he also runs walks here in Britain helping people to find fossils locally. I plan on the family signing up for one of his walks sometime this summer.

I never would have found this shop if it wasn't for my friend as it is tuck away in a tiny village, but it is a hidden treasure:)

This is the store owner and he has had many newspaper stories written about him and his amazing fossil collection.

He is very sweet and has agreed to do a small class, at cost, just for my children and my friend's children. He will be teaching the children all about fossils, geology and minerals. We are so excited about this class!!

If you would like to see more of Jamie and his shop check out his website

Some of Jamie's collection in his work room

One of the shop's display cases

In the shop he has made a small corner into a sand pit where the children can look for fossils for a small price.

The children are able to keep 3 fossils that they find.

Each time the children found a fossil Jamie would help them identify it.

There was quite a variety of fossils in the pit and Jamie encouraged the children to keep searching and then chose which three they wished to keep.

Little Man chose these three fossils to take home.

Princess chose these three fossils to add to her small collection at home.


  1. Too cool! This is so weird, because just tonight I was looking into going to look for fossils here! I guess great minds think alike! I've heard that there are cliffs in England, where the whole side of the cliff is filled with various fossils, ripe for the picking. That may be that they used to be like that, I want to say that I read about someone finding it in the 1800's....

    1. You are right Lyme Regis is the area most people think of. We went there 2 years ago but the tide was up so we couldn't get to the cliff where there are fossils where:( But supposedly there are fossil deposits where we lived and we can't wait to go on a fossil walk this summer:)

  2. My daughter, Margaret, would love that place. She's a fossil hunter! Thanks for sharing.

    Holly in Kentucky

    1. Is there a place you can go to near your home? Kids love fossils it seems and dinosaurs:)

  3. Fun place! Are all of his fossils from England?

    1. Great question and I believe he had a few from America. Most though were from England

  4. Thanks for giving me the idea to plan a visit to our own local fossil site. We live near Mastadon State Park and have never been. I will be adding this to our list of summertime activities and lesson plans for my summer curriculum. I love how the kids not only got to keep the fossils but Jamie gave them a pamphlet explaining which type it was. Don't you just love those hidden away places.

    1. Oh a visit to Mastadon would be so much fun! Hope you go soon and post about it on the field trip hop

  5. There you go again with an awesome adventure. I love how and what you are teaching your children. What a wonderful education they are receiving. Loved the pictures and the thoughts. It was so neat that he let them hunt for fossils and then get to take them home. What a memory!!

    1. he was very sweet, very low key and great with active children which mine are:) Thanks for your sweet comments, you are always so supportive and encouraging

  6. Your children are having such unique and fun learning experiences! They are blessed to have you!

  7. Oh my! My little dinosaur lover would love this place! What a great adventure! Thanks for linking up at NOBH!

  8. WOW! So much fun and learning with your connection to the fossil friend! :) My kids would love this place too! :)

  9. Clever, clever man! So smart to put his love for fossils to such a good purpose. I just love to see ingenuity and energy in one, great package! Would love to hear about the walk. And the class!
