
Wednesday 1 February 2012

Viking Training and Craft Weekend

This weekend my family went to Islip for a Regia Anglorum Viking/Saxon/Norman training and craft weekend. For those of you interested in history this is the place where Edward the Confessor was born:) in 1005.

Since I am new to the group, I am still trying to find my Viking "skill". This is not a requirement of the group but I feel like there must be some purpose to me belonging to the group. I have no interest in the fighting part of the group, which my husband enjoys, so I tried a few of the craft session offered.

The first activity I tried along with Princess was authentic painting using egg yolks and dyes. I had never heard of this painting method before but was told that it was used until the mid 1400's

Princess decided to do a free hand drawing...Dragons of course!

I on the other hand chose to do a copy of a picture.

I tried longbow archery. I wasn't too bad; I was in the general direction of the target:)

Next I tried making a wooden spoon with an AXE!!! Yes I still have all my fingers:)

Selecting my piece of wood

Drawing my inner spoon design:)

Yes I really did use this axe to begin cutting out the spoon shape.

Notice my spoon head is not level:( It will be a spoon of unique design:)

Using a tool to cut out the inside of the spoon. This was very hard on the wrist! I have no wrist strength and could only go so deep before needing to take a break. I wasn't able to finish my spoon at this work shop, however I want to see if I can finish my spoon on my own...

My husband took the leather workshop. I was suppose to join him but I got caught up in the making of my spoon:)!

We didn't leave the children behind, they spent 2 glorious days at the village hall park playing with the other children.

Little Man hung out on the zip line, his favorite park apparatus at the moment.

While Princess still enjoys the swings:)

There was of course plenty of Viking combat to watch

My husband in his chain mail armour that he bought at TORM last year.

It is not often I publish a post talking just about what I have done. Photos of me doing various activities are curtsey of my 7 year old son who stopped playing every once in a while to check up on me:) and take photos. I have lots of interesting angles of me doing my crafts most of which I will have to delete:). These were the best ones:).

I am linking up to the Field trip hop


  1. What a great adventure! Such a great learning opportunity for all! Curious how your spoon turns out. :). Don't think I would have been beta be enough to try. ;)

  2. Spoon making looks fun and a little dangerous! Fun outing!

  3. Oh my gosh this was an awesome adventure. I so enjoy the interactive event you do. What a wonderful learning experience for your children and both of you. Loved the pictures and all of the activities you did.
    Blessings to you for a great learning post. Who knew some of this???

    1. Thanks LeAnn you are always so supportive and kind in your words

  4. Too cool! I really like you're painting! I've always wanted to take up archery. I've heard that it is very hard to draw back the bow and that some people can't even do that much their first time, so you must have some natural talent if you also got your arrow anywhere near the target. :-)

    1. Hi Maureen,
      actually the bow I was using had 35 pound draw weight which is pretty small. The war bows back then could have had as much as 180lb draw weight. Doubt I would I been able to fire an arrow with that kind of draw weight:)

  5. Looks like you had lots of fun! I'd love to learn more about your Viking adventures!!

  6. Awesome, always so jealous of the cool activities you guys have available to you!! Thanks for linking up at FTF!

  7. What great pictures. I think being able to do hands on activities is such a great thing. How cool to be able to participate. I remember doing archery in junior high, I loved it and was sad that my new school didn't continue teaching it.

    1. I so agree, most of our history is living history. I think the kids retain it so much better, I know I do:)

  8. Okay. I am trying to decide if I will show this to my Husby. He'll be there like a shot!
