
Wednesday 22 February 2012

Trip to York

This past weekend we went to the Jorvik Viking Festival which is held every year in February. This was the first time the children and I were in "kit" and able to fully participate with Daddy.
We have been to York many times and I have to say it is one of my favorite places in England.

Clifford's Tower, all that is left of York Castle. This was right outside our hotel lobby.

View from the top of Clifford's Tower where the castle would have been

Map of the non existent castle, but here you can see where the tower is situated. The moot is long gone

The Shambles, a famous shopping district in York.

Kids were so excited that Daddy was called upon to help a street performer with his act.

Picture taken outside the Jorvik Viking center (no pictures allowed inside).

An educational site for the Viking era of York. They advertise that you will see the sights, sounds and smells of the period. I would have been quite happy to missed the smell of the viking latrine.

The Vikings are gathering outside of York Minster preparing to march thru the streets of York! Just for the record it was COLD outside and it started to rain. While the kids and I were cold they did manage to hold it together, but shortly after the march I took them back to the hotel to warm up, before the evening show.

Family outside of the York Minster

Family photo taken inside the York Minster in our viking gear!

Viking ship, waiting to be burned after the battle.
I think the temperatures drop another 5 degrees this evening. Cold does not even begin to describe the the discomfort we were feeling. Oh and I haven't even mentioned the wind that blows right thru to your bones.

The kids and I were suppose to participate in the battle by leading the warrior onto the field using fire sticks. However the wind was so bad our stick would not stay lite. After 15 minutes of trying to get the fire sticks to light, it was decided by the organizers that maybe this would not be a good idea as we were all wearing highly flammable material. Viking clothes were not fire retardant!!

This is my kids huddled on the ground during the battle trying to stay warm. We only lasted a few minutes before I gave up and the kids and I headed back to the bus to try to find some warmth. From there we watched the ship burning and the fire works.

While the kids and I enjoy supporting Daddy with his love of this period it was unanimously decided that Daddy is on his own next year. We will gladly watch from the side lines wearing modern clothes dressed warmly for the cold:). We will participate in his viking hobby but only in the warmer months:)!!!!


  1. I hope you finally warmed up. Could you wear long underwear, coats and snowpants under your viking clothes - or is that not allowed?

    1. The children wore long underwear which is frowned upon but it was just too cold to go without. Adults absolute can't which is why I was cold. We survived it but certainly not going to do cold weather months in the future;)

  2. We've also been to York several times as it's one of our favorite spots, too. Normally we visit the cathedral and the railway museum. We did visit the Jorvik Viking Centre about 6 years ago--would love to go again. Two years ago, we attended the Viking Festival, but we didn't do the evening stuff (it was a day trip). We mostly walked around and saw the exhibits and participated in a few things. My son got to take sword-fighting lessons, which he thoroughly enjoyed. Looks like you had a really fun time, though I don't envy you being out in the cold!

    1. I hope you do get to attend again. Next year the evening performance will be near Clifford's tower much easier to get to than the race course:)

  3. Looks like so much fun...I know my 10 year old would have been in heaven. How blessed your family is to be able to make such fun memories!

  4. LOL! I can imagine wanting to pass on the smell of the Viking Latrine! Your kids look so cold! It's nice that you all are into supporting your husband's passion, but it does seem like sitting this one out is quite understandable. :-)

    1. Maureen actually this is the second place we have visited that had the smells of poo in there exhibition:) Both times I thought it odd;). Hubby has been informed of our vote and whole heartedly agreed with us:)

  5. I love love this post! what a great way to learn/ teach with the family- it's right up our alley :) We've been learning about Vikings ourselves around here - I may use your pic as a sample so my kids can make their own York castle! If I post about it - I'll be sure to link to you and mention you inspired it!!! :)

    1. Hi Kelli,
      if you look on my side bar I have several posts about vikings, how they lived, how they fought, how they dressed. Check them out might be interesting to your studies:)

  6. Vikings must have had hides like leather! Totally resistant to the cold. I'm with you. I would have watched from somewhere warm. In modern/warm clothing!

  7. OH HOW COOL! We are studying Vikings right now and this takes the cake. Lucky you!!

  8. I am super jealous, that looks so cool!

  9. I completely understand about not wanting to do this again in the cold months...brrr! It does look like a great experience, otherwise.
    Thanks for linking at Look What We Did!

  10. Wonderful, Anna-Marie! Looks like a blast!!
    Would love to tour York someday!! Margaret and I just watched a travel program about it last night!

    Best wishes from your Kentucky "Pen Pal"

    Holly Anna

  11. Awesome, awesome trip as usual!
