
Friday 6 January 2012

A Mother's Home school Journal

In my life this week…

I took 2 whole weeks off from almost all blogging and home schooling. Okay I wasn't completely off blogging I wrote several posts for the upcoming weeks, but I truly cut back, and it was nice. I didn't leave the house to go anywhere for nearly 2 weeks except to the grocery store and out to dinner one evening. I stayed inside my cocoon, in my own little world. Okay by the 8 or 9th day I was starting to go stir crazy but I held to my plan to not go anywhere. I did a little house work but not nearly as much as I should.

In our homeschool this week…

After taking 2 weeks off from school Dec 12 thru the 25th),we are slowly getting back into a rhythm. The week of Dec 28th the kids and I started off slow, only doing Piano lessons, a little of our typing program and finishing up our geography unit on Australia. This week we are adding more to the schedule and should be at full schedule by Tuesday (Daddy is off on Monday:) That is the plan at least. Some of the kids extra curricular activities resumed this week. Our really heavy schedule begins Jan 9th.

My favorite thing this week was…

My brand new bread machine...I am in love...seriously I never thought making fresh bread would make me or my family so happy;)

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

I am really looking forward to this weekend, the whole family is heading up to Wychurst for a 12th night celebration. This is being held by my husband's Re-enactment group in a Viking long house. I should finally have my kit by then and will be able to fully participate in all the activities. We are all excited about it and I will be posting about it soon.

I’m reading…

I had plenty of time to read and not one of the books I read was a home schooling book, Yay me! Two books I completed during my Christmas break were:
Dissolution by CJ Sanson excellent mystery book set in the Tudor time period. Love the book so much I just down loaded his second book to begin reading next week.
The Sea Road by Margaret Elphinstone a story of a viking women from Iceland who makes it to Vinland

I am also again reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer Stone to my son at bedtime. Is it just me or do other people have to read the same books over and over again to each child as they grow up. Thankfully this book is tolerable to read again, some aren't so tolerable to have to read more than once:(

I’m cooking…

Bread and lots of it. The family just can't get enough fresh bread.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Isn't it pretty:)!


  1. I love our bread machine, but Weight Watchers does not 8( I want to break that baby out so bad, just know that once I smell that bread, I will eat the entire

    Good for you taking time off! Enjoy the new year!

  2. So I make my bread the old fashioned way. Is it really worth it to have a machine? Just wondering. I'm never inclined towards modern things in the kitchen LOL

  3. Oh, I'm with you - LOVE my bread machine! I make just about all our breads in it - bread, pizza dough, rolls, and even English Muffins. I just snagged a recipes on a Pinterest board for bagels that I'd like to try now. I'm not sure if it saves any money, but the bread does taste good! LOL

  4. Love, love, love my bread machine. My only complaint is that I want a bigger one! LOL

  5. Can't wait to hear about your 12th Night event!

  6. I am making fresh bread today in the oven. First time. :) I have thought about getting a bread machine but haven't made the plunge just yet... Is it worth it? Your rolls look amazing by the way!

  7. I've had several bread machines. They've all died. Hopefully, I will have another one soon. I can smell those rolls all the way here in Tennessee! :)

  8. Love my bread machine too. I love being able to drop things in, hit start, walk away...then find fresh bread later! YUM! It is like having a bread fairy in my home. Mmmm.

  9. I should get a new bread machine. Would make life easier for mixing our homemade bread, since I have to make so much from scratch here. Will have to hint to get one for anniversary.

    I so love weeks where we don't have much. Or I just stay home because. It's wonderful to actually "home"school and not "van"school!

    Glad you had a great week.

  10. So glad you had a nice break! And your bread looks amazing! You have inspired me to try this out :) Hope your 12th night celebration was a blast! Clicked a vote for you! :)

  11. It's not just daughter has read the Harry Potter series so much that it is completely falling apart. Thanks for the fiction suggestions, I'm going to check them out!

  12. We have yet to find that rhythm, but I'm glad you did at least. Yours rolls turned out so pretty. We love fresh bread. Lately we have been trying out sourdough variations.
