
Monday 16 January 2012

Geography lesson -Australia

For geography the kids and I have been learning lots about Australia. Some of the activities we have tried are:

My kids have enjoyed listening to Waltzing Matilda which we have read is the unofficial national anthem of Australia. I found and printed off a copy of the lyrics and the kids located the Aussie slang words and then we rewrote the song using English words. We all agreed the song is much better using the Aussie words. We listened to this song so many time my kids know it by heart:)

We have completed Amanda Bennett's Download and Go unit on Australia and learn quite a bit about the landscape and the animals that live down under.

We learn about the aboriginal people their culture, and Dream time religion. The kids made a a few art projects using the Aborigines art techniques.

Princess made a didgeridoo

Little Man decided to make a message stick

Make boomerangs and tried to throw them properly:)

I also got some great printable's from Our Worldwide Classroom that we used.

Some of the books we enjoyed reading to learn more about the history and culture of Australia were:

The Aborginal Peoples of Australia by Anne Bartlett
Look What Came from Australia by Kevin Davis
An Aborginal family by Rollo Browne
A family in Australia by Rollo Browne
Australia and Oceania by Mel Freidman
Guide to Australia by Micheal March
Life Cycles of Kangaroo by Diana Noonan
Finding Home (true story of a Koala) by Sandra Markle
The World of Koalas by Sandra Lee

We enjoyed watching the Atlas DVD about Australia and just for fun we watched Crocodile Dundee!

Lastly on our journey we made a traditional Aussie meal consisting of
Lamb chops
Shrimp on the Barbie
Anzac cookies

My husband braved the cold and grilled the shrimp and lamb chops on the barbie:)

These recipes were found in the Eat your way around the world cook book by Jamie Aramini

At first the family was uneasy trying these cookies because they had coconut in it, but after some coaxing they all admitted they were good.

These cookies have quite a history going back to WWI

These were made the traditional way but certain people in the family decided they didn't like raw coconut, although everyone took at least one bite:)

So I made some without coconut and they went over much better

That is it we are finished for the time being learning about Australia and will now move on to learning about Mexico!


  1. Certainly sounds like you covered a lot of Australia's culture...well done! We do indeed like Waltzing matilda and in fact there have been calls to have referendums about changing the anthem to that but it is seen by some as the wrong message to portray that we are a bunch of sheep stealers running from the police!
    I have never been a huge fan of lamingtons either although they are better in a light roll of dessicated coconut rather than large pieces.
    We are having a lot of BBQ's now as it is summer here and very hot so not the best weather for cooking!
    The children's aboriginal art is wonderful...when i taught preschool we used to print off some aboriginal stencils and let the children paint them with cotton tips dipped in paint to make the little dots.
    I love anzac biscuits and grew up with them in the lunch box and studying the story of the anzacs during the war...the mix also makes a nice slice if you just press it into a tin before baking!
    I really enjoyed reading the effort you all went to studying Australia....the children would probably also love the song 'kookaburra sits in an old gum tree', i have a pic of a kooka on my blog a few posts back, they have a very distinct song!
    Sorry for the long comment...really just wanted to say how much i enjoyed your post, can't wait to see what you do with Mexico!!

  2. MMMMMMMmmm that looks sooooo good. What a great trip to Australia. I need to get that cookbook :)

  3. Great unit on AUS! Love the crafts and the food! My brother and his new wife live in AUS and their wedding was back in Oct., but we couldn't make the trip which made me sad. Some people told us to go on the once in a lifetime adventure, but how can you go somewhere when the money just isn't there (or the time, but more the money?)So far and so much $$$$$$$$$ :( Maybe one day.... Thanks for sharing another trip around the world :) Clicked a vote for you!

  4. Awesome unit! The dinner looks wonderful. I will have to look for "Eat Your Way Around the World"! I once lived in Australia so I'm always excited to see what people study when it comes to that great place.

  5. That looks like a great unit!

  6. Love the unit on Australia! We use KONOS unit study, but I've been known to throw them together when the creative juices are flowing. I see you were an OT. I am a former autism teacher. Did you by chance work with that population of kids? I found you at NOBH, but I think I've been here before. I'm following you and hoping to find more great ideas for units! THANKS!

  7. Looks like a GREAT study of Australia! Thanks for sharing with Favorite Resources :)

  8. You are amazing. I just love following your adventures in real life and also in book learning. Blessings to you for the fun information.

  9. YUM! I think saying 'barbie' was C's fav thing about Australia! lol Great unit study! Thanks for sharing at the Geography Hop!

  10. I don't know why so many people hate coconut. I am one of the pickiest eaters in the world, but I LOVE coconut. It's very strange. Anyway, I LOVE the aboriginal art work your kids did!

  11. Looks like you all had a fabulous time studying Australia :-)

  12. I can't wait to study Australia! Yum! Thanks for linking up with BTT!
