
Friday 23 December 2011

Christmas Market in Rochester, UK

Christmas markets are very popular over here in the UK and almost every weekend from end of Nov til Christmas you can find a Christmas market that you can visit. Last year we attended one in London this year we went a bit further away to Rochester to visit their Christmas market and see their Cathedral and castle.

This Cathedral was built originally by the Normans

Beautiful organ. We even heard a bit of music as the choir was practicing for the evening service.

Main altar

Baptismal font

Original (13th Century) painting found on one of the walls in the church.

Castle ruins

This year the theme of the market was Dickens, there were a few people wearing costumes of the early Victorian period

Traveling band

By the time we found Santa we were told we needed to make an appt and it would be 2 to 3 hours. So we moved on to other things.

Several fair rides but we restricted the kids to each picking only one ride each as they were very expensive!

I am taking the week between Christmas and New Year off to spend some quiet time at home with just my family.


I am linking this post to the Home school Field trip hop


  1. Magical!! Merry Christmas and enjoy your blogging break- see you after the new year.

  2. Looks great! Merry Christmas to you all :-)

  3. What fun! Looks like it was a very large street market! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Awesome, another fun trip. Your children are so blessed by the many things they see and learn about.
    Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!

  5. Merry Christmas! Thanks for linking up to FTF!

  6. Ooh - looks very festive and fun!
    Glad you made it to a Dickensian market after all!
    love Rebecca

  7. Cool! Do they tend to sell handmade items? Here they have a lot of craft fairs, but they don't have the rides and parades and so forth. Good luck with your burning your frankincense. It smells pretty good, but we haven't tried it this year as Dora is very skittish about fire and super sensitive to smells.

  8. What a lovely Christmas market and a great adventure! I have wonderful memories of Christmas markets - and outdoor markets in general - from living in England for 1 1/2 years while working toward my master's degree. Visiting from HHH. Deb @

  9. How fun! For someone from the states, this is a new idea to me! Thanks for sharing!

  10. I am really enjoying your blog. I am an American living in Germany and have a blog somewhat similar to yours. Thanks for taking the time to blog about your adventures.
