
Monday 14 November 2011


How exciting 2 blogs that I am associated with have been nominated for Home School Blog Awards this year!

No Ordinary Blog Hop was nominated in the best "Family or Group blog," This is a blog that I am very proud to be a part of and co host with 6 other wonderful ladies. It is something we all take great pride in.

Life's Adventures has also been nominated for "Best Field Trip/Nature Blog." I am very honored to be nominated along with so many other wonderful blogs.

If you feel that you can support either blog please click the links above and place your vote:) by clicking on the dot to the left of the blog link and then click "Vote" at the bottom of the screen to cast your vote. Thank you! Voting ends midnight on Nov 18th!!

In addition to this I have had 3 wonderful bloggy friends stop by and give Life's Adventures blog awards in the last few weeks!!! It is always fun to be recognized by others. So Thank you very much Belva Rae of Mainely Mug Ups, Danielle of Raising Little Rhodies and Kathy of Kathy's Cluttered Mind.

The Rules

  • Thank the person(s) who nominated you and link back up them.
  • Tell Readers 7 things about yourself.
  • Pass this award onto your favorite newly discovered bloggers and let them know.

I always have a hard time with telling something about me, I am much more comfortable talking about my kids:). So here it goes...

1. I drink 2 cups of tea every single morning since I have moved to England. I wasn't a big tea drinker until I moved here.

2. I loathe the taste of coffee in anything:(

3. I had legg perthese disease as a child and it effects my ability to do much exercise.

4. I seriously injured my left hand on a table saw in my twenties. Whirling blades of steeling frighten me to this day. I had to have hand surgery to regain the use of my hand.

5. I prefer to vacation at the lake rather than at the ocean. I am not a fan of sand getting into everything if you know what I mean;) However if it means a trip away from house and getting out of house work I will go any way and still have lots of fun:)

6. I am very sensitive, this can be a good trait or a very bad trait.

7. Every year I swear I will not be a scout leader, because is takes up so much time, and every year I agree to be a leader. Obviously I have a hard time saying NO!

So now here are the blogs I am passing on this award to. They are listed in no particular order. Please stop by all the blogs listed and maybe you will find a new favorite:)

On the Alberta./Montana Border

Rebel Home school

Living Waters

The Tiger Chronicle

Educating Hannah

A Glimpse of Our Life

Homeschool Mo

Don't forgot to stop by The Homeschool field trip hop and see where everyone is going this month!


  1. Congratulations on being nominated, and for giving me the award!

  2. Huzzah and thanks for the mention. I recently did the Stylish Blogger 7 questions, so I'll pass the torch this time. Thanks again and Happy Monday!

  3. Thanks for the awards and the vote! And of course I already voted for you. I wish they didn't lump the nature and field trip blog together. I think they both serve two different needs and should both be honored separately.

  4. I voted for you and continue to love following your adventures. Congratulations on being nominated. Also, thanks for the award; I will get this put together soon.
    Blessings to you for your thoughtfulness and for following my posts.

  5. new follower! found you through your field trip hop! what i a great idea! congrats on the awards--well deserved.

  6. Thank you so much for nominating me! You are so sweet! Now to get it done . . .
