
Monday 24 October 2011

Pumpkin Farm in the UK

Fall is the hardest time of the year for me as I miss the USA and all the fall activities, decorations and family time that Halloween and Thanksgiving brings to US families. We have lived in the UK for 3 years now and this is the first time I have located a pumpkin farm for the kids and I to visit!

While it was a pumpkin farm the kids and I were a bit disappointed as the size of the pumpkins were quite small and there weren't the assortment of gourds, corn stalks and scarecrows to bring about the sense of Autumn fun that I and the kids miss.

I let each child chose one pumpkin to bring home to paint and then I chose one that we would carve into our Jack-o-lantern

After picking out our pumpkins the kids played on the playground for a bit before heading home

I am linking this up to the Let's Hit the Road Field trip hop


  1. those really were mini pumpkins!
    I think the drought must have made them smaller than usual....the farmer we bought from said they had had a truck load less than usual due to the size. Nice pics though!

  2. Sometimes, it's so hard to keep up our traditions! Especially in places where the 'natives' don't have the same ones. My Husby had a terrible time finding corn-on-the-cob for his 'harvest feast' when he lived in Paris 35 years ago. Everyone he talked to thought he was crazy to want to eat 'cattle feed'.
    And I can only imagine what it must be like to find the trappings to celebrate Christmas in a largely Muslim or Buddhist land.
    I think your family is very blessed to have a mother who tries so hard to keep up their traditions!

  3. I am glad you are keeping the tradition even though you don't have some of the items for it all. I loved the pictures and will look forward to some pictures of the fun with the pumpkins.
    Blessings to you and keep on writing and enjoying your adventures. I love following your blog.

  4. Just found your NOBH, and joined up.

    I would have assumed that the UK would have pumpkin farms like us. It's good you were able to find one!

    We have missionary friends in the UAE, and they entertain us with tales of Americans living in a country very different from this one. I look forward to learning about your life in the UK.

  5. Hello. I found you through The Homeschool Lounge and I just wanted to stop by and say hello. If you'd like I have a blog hop starting tomorrow that you could link this up to.

  6. So glad you found a pumpkin patch and you found some cute pumpkins too! We've never picked our pumpkins like that, just off a lot. It looks like fun despite the small sized pumpkins :) Clicked a vote for you and happy carving!

  7. I would really miss having a real fall, it is one of the things I love about living in the Seattle area after growing up in San Diego.

  8. thanks for linking up, yeah I'm missing the East Coast US this fall too!
