
Monday 31 October 2011

My New Look!!!

I have a new look for my blog! My very dear friend Lynda helped to create my new look. Lynda has started a new business of blog design in order to help her stay home and home school her son. I asked Lynda to help me update my blog as it hasn't been updated since its inception over a year ago. Working with Lynda has been so easy. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do or in what direction I wanted to go but Lynda helped narrow down my thoughts and gave me several options to choose from. She was absolutely wonderful when I asked to make changes and then changed my mind, more than once:).

I love the pictures that we chose as it shows my family doing the things we love and experiencing our life's adventures which is what this blog is all about.

If you are looking for some new ideas please check out Lynda and her new blog design site. Her prices are very reasonable and she will work with you until you are happy with the results:)!!! Lynda's site has several examples of the recent work she has done for other bloggers if you want to see more styles of her work. Please contact Lynda at My Heart's Desire Creations, if you are interested in making any changes to your own blog site!

My Heart's Desire Creations


  1. Love the look! Nice to meet you.

  2. Love, love, love the new look! Way to go Lynda and Anna-Marie!!!!! The pics on the header look great and all your work paid off because it looks awesome! Lynda, you never cease to amaze me with all your blog design talent! I'll have to grab your new blog button Anna-Marie! :) Clicked a vote for you! Hope you had a lovely All Hallows Eve! :)

  3. Wow! The new look is awesome! It totally conveys what your blog is all about too!

  4. You are so lucky yo have a good friend to help you with your blog looks lovely

  5. Love the new look. Isn't it great to have friends and family who have so many different talents?

  6. Looks very nice!!!! I'll have to change your blog button on our blog:)

  7. thumbs up on the new look - very spiffy!

  8. I love your new layout; the pictures are awesome. Lynda helped me with my site also. I am going to have her help me with some more things in the near future.
    Blessings to you and keep on having those wonderful adventures.

  9. Looks great! I really like the background.

  10. It looks amazing!

  11. LOVE the new it! :)
    K @ The Chuppies

  12. Thanks everyone, Lynda did a fantastic job making some great changes and I really like the new look:)
