
Friday 30 September 2011

Homeschooling Mother's Journal

In our homeschool this week…
We have been moving right along on our school work and finding a rhythm so far everything is working. We have our good and our not so good days but I am happy with the children's progress and we have manage to maintain a steady course.

What’s working
for us…
We are really enjoying our weekly get together with friends who are using the same science program as we are. We are getting together weekly to do all science experiments together and it is going so well.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
We are now going to take 10 days off from school and are planning some exciting activities so stay tuned.

I’m reading…
The Help-- I have heard a lot about it and am enjoying it so far.

I’m cooking…
The kids and I tried baking our own bread this week, which is something I have never done before. We don't have a bread machine so we did everything from scratch. What a process! While we enjoyed it I am not sure I will be doing this again unless I get a bread machine, hint, hint!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
Kneading the dough!
Little Man had his own unique way, pounding the dough to death:)!

Join the fun at Let's Hit the Road Field Trip hop


  1. I just bought The Help also. I want to read it before seeing the movie. I hate seeing a movie before I read the book. Then again, I also don't like many movie versions of books as I find myself saying things like "They left this out!" or "Why did they change that?" or "That's not what I pictured him looking and sounding like!"

  2. The Help is by far my favorite book of this year!

  3. Loved reading more about your home schooling. I am going to look forward to your adventures during the school break. The pictures of making bread were awesome. Hopefully, you enjoyed homemade bread with honey or jam; that sounds so good.
    Blessings to you and keep enjoying your adventures.

  4. I love making bread! When all of the kids were home, I baked twice a week. Eight loaves each time. I can't believe it now . . . :)
    The neatest thing about it is that now, my boys all love baking bread. Not my girls, mind you, just my boys!
