
Wednesday 3 August 2011

Viking Village

This weekend my children and Husband were able to participate in a Viking village. My husband belongs to the group Regia and likes to spend the occasional weekend portraying the life of a Viking Warrior! As a family we have all learned a great deal about this period and the children now have their "kit" and are able to participate as well. I am still waiting to get my "kit" but will soon be able to join in. Until then I have been designated family photographer:)

The viking village and various tents. There were approximately 25 campsites

Lots of viking children running around

Lyre and a viking sharpening his knife

Copper smith making bracelets.

Making money

Turning butter, which takes all day for a very little amount:)

Nal binding socks. I even learned how although I have a long way to go before my husband can wear any socks that I make:) This is a precursor to knitting or crochet.

Playing a viking game 9 man morris

Viking god Loki carved on a soap stone

Children learning to make fire the old fashion way and guess what happened

My daughter was able to do it:)!!!

The daily grind, turning wheat into flour. My son loved doing this.

Viking family and very cute babies:)

We had fun learning and participating in the viking world this past weekend. next post will be about viking battles and training.

New month means a new Field trip hop hope you will join in:)

New month for the NOBH and a new star blogger was announced:)


  1. How cool!! My husband and I both are part Norwegian, and we had the chance to visit Norway a few years ago. This would be such a neat activity to participate in!!

  2. Wow, that looks awesome!!! I especially like the copper bracelets!!

  3. That looks like it was so much fun!

  4. This looks like so much fun! I wish I could get my family to do something like this. Very cool experience and a lifetime full of good memories for all:)

  5. Awesome Anna-Marie! Has your family participated in Viking day before? I seem to remember a similar post and was wondering if this was an annual tradition. If your children don't grow up to be history buffs with all their great historic hands on learning , I will be so very surprised :) Clicked a vote for you :) Have a great weekend!

  6. Your family has SO MUCH FUN! I'm sure I've said that before, but it's still true! What an amazing experience! What an amazing place! I am writing a book about two boys from modern day who stumble onto a viking settlement. I so need to go to one of these encampments! Thank you!

  7. Hi Tracy, yes we participate several times a year in something Viking related:) My husband really enjoys it and this is the first time the kids got to participate fully:) My daughter loves it my son is still deciding:)

  8. HI Diane
    Thank you I hope my children will look back on these things and think it was a great time:) If you need any questions answered about vikings let me know my husband is really studying up on all of this period plus we have access to tons of experts the group he belongs too prides itself in being as true to the period as possible.:)

  9. Wow! I am absolutely amazed at the wonderful field trips you are able to go on with your children! Such great history and hands-on learning. Thank you for sharing- you always have great pictures to go along with your posts. It makes me feel as if I am there- almost!

  10. That is so cool! I didn't realize that Vikings were such a big thing in England. It seems like the historical re-enactments around here don't really let the kids do so much hands-on stuff. :-(

  11. @Diane -- there are a lot of really good websites for researching various aspects of Viking-age history, society, and culture. A good one to start with is "The Viking Answer Lady". She's got a lot of good information on life in Viking times, and it's not all blood and guts.

    If you want a serious book, I highly recommend Robert Ferguson's "The Vikings", published just last year. VERY comprehensive, but also very readable (some of the more detailed books are really dry!).


  12. HI Maureen, Vikings are huge in England. England was almost taken over by the vikings until King Alfred the great rid the land of them, almost:)

  13. This is awesome! I adored looking at all your pictures. These type of festivals and trips are just what my Family loves to see! IT looks like a fabulous day.

    Came through the FTrip blog link up.
