
Tuesday 16 August 2011

My 2nd and 4th grader

Not Back to School Blog Hop

It is hard to believe I am in my 3rd year of home schooling! We school year round taking breaks whenever the need or mood arises. I never considered taking pictures of the kids as they enter their new "grade" until I saw this blog hop, I thought it was a good idea and so here are my two precious darlings and the signs they made announcing the grade they would be in if they were in school:)! We are now going to do this every year! Each of them made their own signs:)

His dream is to be an astronaut:) at least that is what he said today:)!!

Her goal is to become a world famous movie maker:)!!

Happy Schooling!!!

Check out these two great blog hops


  1. Looks like they're excited! I hope you have a great year.

  2. What a great idea! Have a sweet year! :)

  3. cutie pies! have a blast!! we are starting our 7th year!!! yikes! time flies!

  4. Here is an amazon link to the 21 Rules Poster...

  5. I take a pic of my daughter every year on the first day of school. It's fun to see how she changes. Hope you guys have a great year!

  6. Great pictures! Love their creative signs! I enjoy taking pictures at the beginning of their school year too! :) Have a great year! Clicked a vote for you! :)

  7. To see how they have grown, sigh! Your children are adorable, and I think yearly photos are a great idea. Have wonderful year. I know you will keep us updated and look forward to seeing their progress.

    Blessings to you, my friend!

  8. Great pictures, cute kiddos!
