
Wednesday 31 August 2011

Martial Arts -- Wordless Wednesday

Little Man completing his first test in Martial Arts.

Princess completing her first test in Martial Arts. We are still waiting for her uniform to come in.

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  1. Go Princess and Little Man!!!!

  2. Congrats! What a wonderful accomplishment for your Princess and Little Man! Have a great day Anna-Marie! Clicked a vote for ya! :)

  3. PS: You're almost at 300 followers! Yay! :)

  4. Okay, I'm trying to comment and am getting a message that I don't have access to this page.... Gonna try again and this time will copy before submitting so I don't have to type it again. My son just started martial arts a few months ago also. He currently is studying Taekwondo and Arnis (at one school). He will also add Kendo in a few weeks. What style are your kids studying?

  5. Strangeness, my comment went through with no problems this time. Blogger can be so weird at times!
