
Friday 8 July 2011

Theme park -- Gulliver Travels Park

My son's long awaited special birthday even happened this past weekend. We had family visiting on his birthday in June so we waited until now to go to his special event. As a family we stopped having huge birthday parties instead having the children pick a special event that they would like to do with the family. This year my son chose to go to Gulliver Travels Park.

This was a great park for younger children ages 10 and under so there wasn't a single ride he couldn't do:) Which made him very happy. Princess did have a little trouble as she is very tall for her age and was too tall for a couple rides but she managed her disappointment well:) We chose to go on July 4th as that is an American holiday but the UK kids were still in school so we were hoping the crowds would be manageable. We hit the jack pot that day, no lines, YAY!!! The kids were often able to ride multiply times, sometimes not even having to get off the ride and go back thru the queue (line). We got there at opening time and stayed till closing, luckily the park was only opened 6 hours, so Mom and Dad were happy:)


Opening hardly any one there, we had the park almost to ourselves for a while

The kids insisted on riding ALL the rides.

Some they rode again, again, again and again:)

Park's closing show with their mascot Gully. There couldn't have been more than 200 people there.

Family memories will last a life time!!!

My daughter has read the book Gulliver's Travels so she was able to explain to my son many of the things we saw. My son now has an interest in reading the book but I don't think he is ready for the classic version. Going to the library to find a junior version of the story. Learning can occur anywhere including a theme park:)!!

I am linking up my post to

Chestnut Grove Academy Field Trip  Friday Blog Hop

Join in the No Ordinary Blog Hop this month


  1. Looks like lots of fun for the entire family!
    Thanks for stopping by!

  2. What fun! I am missing Kings Dominion, our home amusement park, they don't have any here on HI, but we did hit up the state fair not to long ago, but it's adds up so quickly!

  3. What a fun day! If we ever get to visit the UK, I'm using your blog as our travel guide! :)

  4. Looks like a fun park and nice that it was empty when you got there.

  5. How fun!!! The keep them fresh and you can prove later in life that they never lived a boring life:)

  6. What fun! the only thing I have to compare it to here in Canada was our favourite restaurant, 'Gullivers'. Its theme was "No portions are Lillipution" and served such things as Glubdubdrib salad. We loved it. Unfortunately, it went out of business (perhaps we didn't eat there enough!) I miss it. It probably wouldn't have been as much fun as your day, though! (Absolutely no rides . . .)
    And I have to mention that I love your idea of letting the kids choose a special place to go on their birthdays. What a unique idea. We're going to try it! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Hi Anna-Marie,
    Looks like a great time for your son's birthday and love the no crowds! That is a gift in itself :) That's neat that your children could incorporate literature into their day of fun! Love the pictures too! Clicked a vote for you!

  8. Thanks everyone we had a great time. We started this tradition of no Birthday parties when we moved to England and have never looked back. Just having the kids pick their own special event and enjoy some family time is worth it
