
Monday 13 June 2011

I am BAAACK!!!

Whew, I can't believe how long it has been since I have been on my blog, nearly 10 days!!! My husband has been teasing me that I have had computer withdrawal while on holiday. We just got back from a wonderful 7 day trip to Normandy, France with my parents. There was no interent connection so I had to get by with just my android phone. That was hard!!!:) I am going to tease you with a few amazing pictures of our holiday, but will do a post once my parents leave on Thursday to show case some of the amazing things we saw. Hope you stop by again.

The lovely cottage where we stayed for the week

American cemetery D-Day celebration

Point Du Hock overlooking Utah beach

Playing on the beach

Poppies were everywhere!!

Please stop by and join the NOBH crew. We love to see what you are doing and try our best to stop by and visit every link up.


  1. Welcome back Anna-Marie! I'm so glad you had a wonderful trip! Your pictures on this post look amazing and I look forward to hearing more about your adventures! I know what you mean about computer withdrawal...On our recent vacation I had no computer for 5 days AND my phone with internet connection could not be charged because it was messed up so I was totally disconnected from computer land :/ It was nice for a change though :) By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a great day celebrating your special day ! :) I clicked a vote for you too :)

  2. WELCOME BACK!! I can't wait to hear more about your trip and see your pics! The cottage looks really neat! I now know who to go to for help whenever we decide to take a trip over there. ;)

  3. So funny that your little man and tracy's daughter turned 7 and my son turns 7 next

    Your vacation had to be amazing...a dream one for me! Welcome home!

  4. Glad you're back, but glad you had a great holiday also! Love the poppies!

  5. Welcome back!!! This trip looks like it was so much the photo of the cottage...
    Sometimes those forced computer breaks are so good...for me at least...but it's great to have you back! Hope your birthday was really special!

  6. Welcome back Anna-Marie. Your vacation sounds wonderful! How fun to stay in such a cute cottage. The weather looked nice too.

  7. Wow, looks like a great vacation! Can't wait to hear more!
