
Tuesday 3 May 2011

Hunstaton Sea Life Sanctuary

This past Saturday we drove to Hunstanton were we were told there was a Sea Life Sanctuary we could visit. It was a beautiful day and we had a lovely sea side visit.

The area we were in is called the Wash and here are some facts we learned about it.

There was a fun children's activity for the kids to do. We had to find 10 questions and answer them correctly in order for the children to win a prize. The kids enjoyed answering the questions.

This was a very interesting exhibit. Rescue Tank fish, these fish were privately owned but out grow their owners tanks. Some of these fish were absolutely huge. Here Little man is feeding them some fish food we bought.

Exploring the touch pool and learning about star fish.

These little creatures were a big hit with my kids.
We watched a nature show on Axolotl's in Mexico a few months ago and the kids were fascinated with them. They are very interesting creatures.

Largest crab I have ever seen and all I keep thinking about was crab cakes, YUM YUM

We saw rescues Penguins and sea lions in their hospital area. Fortunately there were not very many as of yet but they reported that the busier months are June and July.

After exploring the Sea Life Sanctuary we went for a walk along the beach. We spotted this
amphibious vehicle and took a short cruise around the Wash.

It was a bit cold on the boat and we only brought thin jackets but we enjoyed the history lesson regarding the Wash.

The Light house and at the mouth of the Wash were cliffs. The white portion of the cliff is chalk, the bottom is red limestone. Below along the water's edge is green algae covered stones which archeologist believe is an old Roman road.

On the drive home I noticed there was a Lavender farm nearby so I predict we will be coming back here as I read it has a distillery and you can take tours. That sounds like fun and educational.

My friend Lynda at My Heart's Desire is celebrating her 1 year blog anniverary and is hosting an amazing give away. Hop on over and see if you can win one of her great prizes. Congratulations Lynda on blogging for one year!!!

Please join Tracy, Lynda and I at NOBH. We had over 45o post last month and it is so much fun to met new blog friends. Hope to see you there!!


  1. Wow, what an awesome day. We have something similar ( minus the beach) that I took the boys to over the weekend.
    I love learning about sea creatures.

    I just found the NOBH - love love love it!!

    Now following so I don't miss any of the good stuff!
    The Survival Mama

  2. How fun! I LOVE penguins! They're so interesting to watch! Thanks for stopping by my Tweet and See!


  3. I love your adventure. I think my husband and I need to do a little more exploring around our area. We need to find good places to take our grandchildren on an adventure.
    Thanks for the trip and blessings to you!

  4. Another fun trip Anna-Marie! Thanks for sharing! We are reading about sea stars this week in our Ocean studies and that huge crab does look yummy! :) So glad you had fun :) Clicked a vote for ya!

  5. That looks like such a fun trip! We love field trips that allow us to be hands-on. Thank you for sharing.
    Visiting from HHH!

  6. We are starting our ocean study next week, finally =) I am not patient when I have a good book to read. lol Thank you for sharing your fun trip. My little man and I will be back to read your post together. Thank you also for supporting me, and mentioning my giveaway. Your blogoversary is coming up too, isn't it?

  7. You always have such wonderful field trips!!!

  8. Hi Anna-Marie, your Sea Life Sanctuary looks like the Shedd Aquarium minus the amphibious vehicle. My son would have loved that... cold or not! What a wonderful day your family had!

  9. Happy Thursday! Stopping in to say Hi and clicked a vote for you :) Have a blessed day!

  10. Hi Anna-Marie! I hope you have a great Friday and weekend! Clicked a vote for you on the fence :)

  11. Thanks Jen for following and I will do the same. We love fieldtrips

  12. Hi Jessy,
    Thanks for stopping by

  13. Hi LeAnn,
    Isn't it funny how when you live somewhere for a long time you forget to explore what is local to you. We did that when we lived in the states but since we know we are only here a very short time we are doing lots of traveling:)

  14. Hi Tracy,
    Thanks for stopping by every day and voting. It has been a busy week for us. I have voted every day for you:)

  15. Hi Lynda,
    Up it will be one year in July but I haven't figure out what to do yet to celebrate.:) If you need any help with Ocean information let me know I have a few suggesstions:)

  16. Hi Yestheyareallmine
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting:)

  17. hi Renita,
    Thanks we love fieldtrips

  18. Hi Noreen,
    The Shed aquarium is wonderful we went a lovely weekend up in Chicago a few years ago we had a great time.

  19. The scenery really reminds me of our coast here in Washington. They grow a lot of lavender here also. I've never heard of Axolotls, I'm going to read about them now.
