
Wednesday 6 April 2011

He did it!!!!

My husband teaching my little boy to ride his bike without the training wheels! My son has been resisting this for a year, but when his last training wheel broke he had no choice but learn to ride a two wheeler.

Look at his face when he finally succeeded!
Your eyes aren't deceiving you he is on two different bikes. The black bike is the new bike we bought last year as the little red bike was really too small for him.

Now he is showing off..."Look Mom I can ride on the grass without falling off" he shouts:)

When I told him that he had now earned his belt loop in Tiger Scouts for bike riding he was so excited he jumped up and down shouting with such happiness. What an accomplishment for our little boy! Now if only he would learn to swing by himself:).

Be sure to link up to the NOBH and join in all the fun!


  1. Yay! What an accomplishment for your boy! And we all can relate to how that feels. Great pics!

  2. Congrats to your son! What a great day and pictures! It is an amazing feeling to finally see a successful accomplishment and to witness pure joy on our child's face for something they might have struggled with for so long :) Love that brick road too! I don't see many of those roads where I live :) Clicked a vote for you!

  3. How awesome! My daughter is still apprehensive on turns. She took a nasty spill at the end of the season last year.. and so, that set us back as you can imagine.

  4. How fun! It brought back memories of teaching our children to ride bikes. I even remembered how I learned. Thanks for the memory.
    Enjoy the moments! LeAnn

  5. Thanks Renee Ann he is so proud of himself

  6. Hi Tracy,
    We weren't sure he was ever going to learn, Little man can be extremely stubborn so I was so happy to see him achieve this. Great day

  7. Hi Robin,
    I can understand, my little one is terrified at the thought of falling even tho that has never happen. He is my very cautious one:) Hope she takes the plunge soon in her own time:)

  8. Hi LeAnn,
    It is so great to see little ones succeed when they are convinced they can't, he is my doubting Thomas:( but he now has a boost of confidence that I hope spills over to other things:)

  9. Stopping in to say Happy Thursday and clicked a vote for you! Has your son been doing alot of bike riding lately? :)

  10. Yes he is doing lots of bike riding unfortunately he accidentally hit a neighbor's car when he fell and the person was so not happy as there is a tiny scratch. I think it can be buffed out but the man was going to get an estimate to get it repaired. I have a very bad feeling it will be expensive. My husband had me take a picture of the scratch just in case. Now Little Man is afraid to ride his bike in the court:( because the man yelled at him. Life is always interesting:)

  11. So FUN! I love the expressions! :)

  12. Thanks Kara, he was so very proud of himself!!

  13. Congratulations to your son! To bad about the neighbor though. What a bummer. My son is a very cautious boy too. We tried the bike and roller blades, but he just doesn't like to be out of control. He wants a scooter or skate board instead. It is funny how your son just took off on the new bike so soon. lol

  14. How cool. Our oldest is almost 11 and he learned to ride without training wheels last year. He was very resistant to taking them off. He finally did it and on a bike ride after they came off he started riding fast and Screaming, "I have never felt so alive!!!!!" He was so excited at how much easier it was for him to ride. So happy that your little guy is enjoying his new accomplishment.

  15. Woohoo! Great job to your son, and yeah for you having him wear a helmet.

  16. Hi Lynda,
    so far we haven't heard back from the guy so maybe he has decided not to pursue it. Try a scooter with your son as it is easier to handle. My kids want skate boards but I haven't gone there yet.

  17. Hi Renita,
    I was really surprised at how easy it was in the end. Because last year he was adamant that the training wheel stayed on. I think it just goes to show you need to do things on your child's time table not your own. they will get it eventually:)

  18. Hi Jennifer,
    Helmets are mandatory in our house for everyone. Although it is not required by law here:(

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