
Monday 11 April 2011

Cadbury Chocolate Tour

We met up with a US home schooler we know and took a trip down to Birmingham to visit the Cadbury Chocolate Factory. Cadbury Chocolate is well known here in the UK and right now it is in full Easter egg production mode.

Once our tickets were bought we were each given 2 full size candy bars to begin our journey. Which us moms quickly confiscated and gave each child half a candy bar.

First part of the tour concentrated on the history of chocolate and bringing it to the continent. Spain was the first country to have chocolate and was able to keep it a secret for nearly 100 years before the rest of Europe discovered it.

Cadbury first store front where Chocolate was sold as a drink. then we listened to a hologram movie show that explained the history of Cadbury chocolate factory. We also heard just how much chocolate is produced and sold and it is a staggering amount:)

Next we took a cute little ride around the chocolate village and saw lots of chocolate beans doing silly things. We each were given another full size chocolate bar to enjoy while on the ride.

Then we were taken to a demonstration center where we were given melted chocolate. We were the tasters of the chocolate and it was GOOD!!

Next the children were able to practice writing their names with chocolate.

We were able to see how chocolate was made into candy over a 100 years ago. Everything is automated now.

Here a worker is cooling the chocolate down on a marble slab so they can add it to the candy molds.

Next the chocolate is added to the molds using a large spatula. Next the worker turned the mold upside down and let some of the chocolate drain out in order to add fillings.

Once the chocolate had hardened in the mold the excess chocolate was scraped off the top of the tray.

Fillings were added to the chocolate molds

And more chocolate was added to cover up the fillings.

To get the chocolate out of the molds the worker twisted the mold container

Banged it on the table

Out pop the chocolate. This was purely for visitor demonstration so I doubt this chocolate would pass any quality control standards.

Next we were taken to the candy store where we each created our own chocolate treat. We could choose marshmallows, cookies, jellies, cereal, and a few other choices...

and then they poured hot chocolate on to it.

YUM YUM!! Official chocolate overload had occurred for all of us.

Next stop was the playground where the kids ran off some of their sugar energy before we headed home. Everyone had such a nice visit that I am sure we will go again.

Join Tracy, Lynda and I at NOBH and link up your post for the month of April.


  1. What a great field trip! The pics are giving me a craving . . .

  2. I just read this post to my 10 year old daughter and she said "Awesome!" This looks like another educational (and yummy) trip! I had no idea there was a Cadbury Chocolate Factory in the UK! Cool! Thanks for sharing another fun trip! WOW! you go on a lot of fun field trips! I'm beginning to get field trip envy! :) Clicked a vote for you!

  3. Loved the pictures of the tour. I love chocolate!
    Blessings to you! Leann

  4. Chocolate overload indeed. Yum!

  5. Yum! I love Cadbury! Whenever hubby has to go to the UK, he brings us lots of Cadbury, though we can also get it at a store called "World Market" here. Though my daughter says that any Cadbury bought in the U.S. is actually made by Hershey now. Not sure on that one... I personally like the bars that have air bubbles in them and Flakes.

  6. HI Renee Ann
    It was a great trip and we had so much chocolate there that I haven't had a chocolate craving in a week:) I am sure it will come back at some point:)

  7. Fun and yummy post. I am a chocoholic so I'm going to go grab a chocolate bar now. lol

  8. HI Tracy,
    Your kids would love this trip. This is where Cadbury began. They did a great job. Wish you were so I could take your cupcakes with us:)

  9. Hi Leann,
    Thanks we try to make learning fun around here:)!

  10. Hi Bonny,
    Thanks for following I will check out your blog very soon:)

  11. Hi Jennifer,
    It was overload but it was good!!

  12. Hi Maureen,
    Flakes are my favorite especially if they are in soft ice cream which is how it is done here on all the ice cream trucks:)

  13. Hi Lynda,
    Enjoy your chocolate bar:)

  14. That`s a great post! We have planned to go there as well.. now we know what to expect :)

  15. Hi Mermaid,
    You and your family will have a fantastic time!! thanks for stopping by

  16. Oh my goodness, this looks like such a fun field trip!! Babydoll and I are sitting here working on her chocolate unit study and I just showed her your post. She wants to go there!

    What fun opportunities you guys have over there!!

  17. What an awesome trip!!! MMMMmmm I so wish I could still eat Cadbury:)...dairy allergy:( This looks like so much fun:) You have so many awesome field trips!!!

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