
Monday 21 March 2011

Willow Weaving

The British homeschooling group set up a Willow weaving class last week at a garden in the Peterborough area. It was a very colorful and interesting place. My kids loved it. It is a public garden within the city that encourages volunteers to come in to plant a garden. The rules for this public garden as it was told to me were if you come in and work in the garden for 3 hours you are able to take home a basket of free fruits and vegetables. This is to encourage city residents to get outside and commune with nature and learn about gardening. I thought it was a great idea.

In addition to gardening, they offer classes on Willow weaving and wood working. I can't say this was a beautiful garden, definitely not your typical British garden but it was unique and the kids love exploring it. Being in the city they had graffiti decorations and junk sculptures through out. For some reasons I didn't take pictures of these things, probably too busy running around after my children:)

My son tried to do the weaving but found it too challenging so after completing one he left the group and went out to play in the garden. Thankfully there were a few Home schooling Dads present who were outside and willing to watch the younger children run amok, so the rest of us could learn to weave.
Kids working together to make the first project a fish.

Completed garden art a fish on a fishing pole. By this time my youngest lost interest and headed out to play.

Making Garden stars

This gentleman made it look so easy, I can assure you it is not. Here he is making a baby's rattle. He said there is documented evidence that this was made but he didn't say where. I didn't take a picture of the one we made cause quite frankly it didn't turn out anything like his:) My daughter was very disappointed.

Throughout the gardens willow is use to decorate the garden as well as make boundaries such as fences. Here are a few things we found that were interesting.

This was called a hide and I have seen this in some play parks locally and the kids love playing inside them.

Dragonfly and flower

A horse and a Rooster!

This is 100% natural art and it was fun although a bit tough on the fingers. Now to find a place in the garden to place our garden art.

Please join Tracy, Lynda and I at the No Ordinary Blog hop. What are having a give away at the end of the month. Hope to see you there.


  1. I've never heard of willow weaving! Thanks for the education! It definitely looks like a beautiful art form that takes time to perfect :) My son would be running around the gardens too and lose interest in the weaving ;) Thanks for stopping by my St. Joseph post and your kind comments! Clicked a vote for you! Have a great week!

  2. I never heard of willow weaving before either! Very interesting. It looks complicated - I think the fish came out wonderful!

  3. Thinking of you at this time also for your uncle and the burial.

  4. That is sooo neat! I've never seen anything like it. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I have heard of willow weaving but have never seen it. Thank you for sharing this. Your daughter did a great job. I voted for you.

  6. I never heard of willow weaving, that is really cool! It's also cool that they have a free community garden.

  7. Good morning Anna-Marie! Stopping in to say hi and click a vote! Have a blessed day!

  8. That is AWESOME! I want that rooster! LOL

  9. Thanks Tracy for you votes. This type of garden art is very popular here. I would love to do a class on my own as it was a little difficult for the children to do:)

  10. Thanks Jess the kids have been fishing all weekend:)

  11. Thanks Melissa I wish I could have gone to Iowa but it is a little far from England. I am in contact with family however. Hope you husband is managing

  12. Hi robin looking forward to writing a guest post for you:)

  13. Maureen,
    I thought the community garden for a fab idea myself. We have our own back yard garden or else I might have consider participating.

  14. Thanks for stopping by Cows Don't Moo. Hope you come by again.

  15. What a fun activity - we've done staw weaving but never willow - will check it out now

  16. Hi Zelda,
    I am surprised you haven't tried Willow weaving it is all over where we live. Also Rush weaving which is what I want to try next:)

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