
Monday 14 March 2011

I have been featured!

Aubrie Anne at Who's your Editor has done a feature on me. My first one, how exciting! Hop on over and see what I said and take some time to explore Aubrie Anne 's fun blog!


  1. Congratulations Anna-Marie,

    How exciting!! I just went over and read your feature. I love it. Great idea for the superpower. You are right, there is too much unhappiness today. Great job!

  2. Yay! Anna-Marie, that is great! Congrats and your feature post is well deserved! I enjoyed reading all your answers to get to know you more! I left a comment on Aubrie Anne's post :) I too wish I could make everyone happy :)

  3. Hi Kimberly
    It was fun to be spotlighted, thanks for reading it:)

  4. Hi Tracy,
    I just read your comments on Aubrie Anne blog and you are so very kind and am so blessed that we connected in the blog land. Thank you sweet friend:)

  5. Congratulations Anna-Marie! They were some hard questions, and you answered them so well. You deserve to be featured. Have a great day. I voted for you yesterday and today. =)

  6. Happy Tuesday to you Anna-Marie! Have a good one! Stopping in to say Hi and vote :) and congrats on your feature again!

  7. Congratulations! Happy Hip Homeschool Hop day!

  8. Thanks Lynda, I enjoy Aubrie site

  9. Thanks Lizzie for stopping by hope you will come back and visit:)

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